11:11 Holographic Neurological Recalibration

Harmonizing Physical & Holographic Selves
for Higher Dimensional Realms


With Christel Hughes

Value: $333

As human beings, we’re more than our physical form; we are a complex interplay of energy, consciousness, and spirit. Central to our physical existence is our nervous system, a sophisticated network responsible for transmitting signals throughout our body, enabling us to perceive, respond, and interact with the world. However, beyond this tangible system lies our holographic cosmic nervous system, a higher-dimensional counterpart that mirrors and influences our physical one.

The Connection Between Physical and Cosmic Nervous Systems

Our physical nervous system processes sensory information, regulates bodily functions, and supports cognitive activities. In parallel, our cosmic nervous system operates on an energetic level, connecting us to the higher dimensions and the universal consciousness. This cosmic network is responsible for channeling divine light and wisdom, influencing our intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual growth.

For us to fully integrate into the higher dimensional realms, it’s crucial that our physical and cosmic nervous systems are in sync and harmonized. When these systems are aligned, we can access heightened states of awareness, profound spiritual insights, and enhanced abilities to manifest living as our Stellar Soul Self and implement our Soul's mission.

Holographic Neurological Recalibration

Catalyzing your Cosmic Nervous System

Metatron’s cube 7th Dimension for 7 days Remote Healing

Rewire and balance your nervous system to elevate your spiritual frequency and align with the highest cosmic energies. By harmonizing your physical and cosmic nervous systems, you unlock a profound state of alignment that transcends ordinary consciousness. This intricate process involves recalibrating neural pathways and dissolving energetic imprints left by past experiences or implants.

As your nervous system is rewired, it begins to resonate with the sacred geometry of Metatron's Cube, allowing for a seamless flow of divine light and truth through your entire being. This alignment not only enhances your intuitive and psychic abilities but also elevates your vibrational frequency, enabling you to access higher states of consciousness and connect deeply with universal wisdom.

The result is a transformative elevation of your spiritual frequency, empowering you to manifest your highest intentions and embrace a life filled with purpose, clarity, and cosmic harmony.


What’s included in this 7D - 7 Days Remote Metatron’s Cube Healing:


1. Connection to the Holodeck:

Entering the 7D Holodeck: You will be placed within the 7D Holodeck, an advanced sacred energetic space where the highest frequencies of the 7th Dimension are accessible. This space is infused with the holographic patterns of Metatron’s Cube, creating a multi-dimensional grid of divine geometry designed to amplify and harmonize your energy field.

Energetic Anchoring: Establish a profound energetic connection, grounding you into the 7D Holodeck. You will be surrounded by the intricate, glowing patterns of Metatron’s Cube, which will begin to interact dynamically with your energy field, enhancing your receptivity and openness.

2. Scanning Phase:

Deep Neurological Scan: Utilizing the sacred geometry of Metatron’s Cube, a thorough scan of your neurological system will be conducted. This scan will meticulously identify areas affected by residual energetic imprints left by implants, with a specific focus on the neural plexus and any disrupted pathways that inhibit the flow of Divine energy.

Energetic Anchoring: Establish a profound energetic connection, grounding you into the 7D Holodeck. You will be surrounded by the intricate, glowing patterns of Metatron’s Cube, which will begin to interact dynamically with your energy field, enhancing your receptivity and openness.

3. Recalibration Phase:

Holographic Light Waves:  

Activation: Metatron’s Cube will be activated to emit powerful, targeted holographic light waves. These waves will penetrate deep into your neural pathways, dissolving residual implant imprints and recalibrating your nervous system to its highest potential.

Energetic Realignment:  

Flow of Divine Light: The holographic light waves will realign your neural networks with the flow of divine Truth and Light, ensuring all pathways are cleared and functioning optimally. This realignment will facilitate a smoother and more potent transmission of spiritual energy through your entire being.

Integration of Sacred Geometry:  

Stabilization and Enhancement: The sacred patterns of Metatron’s Cube will integrate into your energy field, stabilizing and enhancing the recalibrated neurological pathways. This integration will not only heal and balance your system but also elevate your capacity to hold and transmit higher frequencies of cosmic energy.


Cosmic Neural Network Activation


Activation of the Cosmic Neural Network: With your nervous system now clear and balanced, you will experience the activation of your Cosmic Neural Network. This is an advanced state where your neurological pathways are aligned with the cosmic frequencies of the universe.

Intuitive Ascension Gateway


Enhanced Intuitive Abilities: The recalibrated nervous system will enable you to access higher levels of intuition and psychic abilities. You will find it easier to receive and interpret divine guidance, connect with your higher self, and perceive subtle energies with greater clarity.

Celestial Consciousness Elevation


Heightened State of Consciousness: The integration of Metatron’s Cube’s sacred geometry will elevate your consciousness to a higher plane. This heightened state will allow you to experience a deeper connection with the universe, perceive the interconnectedness of all things, and operate from a place of profound wisdom and spiritual insight.

11:11 Gateway Holographic Evolution Leap


7D Holographic Leap in Spiritual Evolution: The final stage of the session will facilitate a quantum leap in your spiritual evolution. This leap will be marked by a significant expansion of your light body, increased vibrational frequency, and a stronger alignment with your soul’s purpose.

Divine Manifestation Catalyst


Manifestation of Divine Truth: You will leave the session with an enhanced ability to manifest divine truth in your life. You will find it easier to align your actions with your highest intentions, create positive change, and inspire others with your elevated presence and insights

With integrating these profound changes, you’ll solidify your transformation, making the benefits of this journey a permanent and empowering part of your everyday life. Embrace this opportunity to transcend previous limitations and step into your highest potential.

By committing to the harmonization of your physical and cosmic nervous systems, you pave the way for a profound spiritual transformation, enabling you to access higher dimensional realms and embrace your true potential as a divine being of light and love.


(Value $333) for
ONLY $111


The Benefits of Harmonizing Your Systems

When your physical and cosmic nervous systems are harmonized, you will experience a multitude of benefits:

  • Enhanced Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Greater access to higher wisdom and divine guidance.
  • Heightened States of Consciousness: Deeper connection with the universe and the interconnectedness of all things.
  • Increased Vibrational Frequency: Aligning with higher dimensional energies and frequencies.
  • Manifestation of Divine Purpose: Improved ability to manifest your highest intentions and create positive change in your life.
  • Emotional and Physical Well-being: Overall improvement in your health and well-being as your systems operate in harmony.

By committing to the harmonization of your physical and cosmic nervous systems, you pave the way for a profound spiritual transformation, enabling you to access higher dimensional realms and embrace your true potential as a divine being of light and love.

Harmonizing the Systems: The Path to Higher Dimensions

1. Awareness and Intention:

  • Begin with setting a clear intention to harmonize your physical and cosmic nervous systems. Awareness of the existence of your cosmic nervous system and its importance in your spiritual journey is the first step towards alignment.


2. Energetic Cleansing:

  • Engage in practices that cleanse your energetic field. Techniques such as smudging with sage, taking salt baths, or using sound healing with tuning forks or singing bowls can help clear any blockages in your energy field, paving the way for a smoother flow between your physical and cosmic systems.


3. Meditative Alignment:

  • Meditate regularly with a focus on connecting your physical nervous system with your cosmic counterpart. Visualize a holographic grid encompassing your entire being, resonating with the patterns of sacred geometry, particularly Metatron’s Cube. Imagine light waves flowing through this grid, aligning and harmonizing both systems.


4. Sacred Geometry Activation:

  • Utilize sacred geometry tools and visualizations, especially Metatron’s Cube, to facilitate the alignment. Visualize this powerful symbol enveloping your body, emitting light waves that recalibrate your nervous system, clearing any residual imprints and ensuring a seamless connection with your cosmic counterpart.


5. Light Language Transmissions:

  • Engage with light language, a higher-dimensional form of communication that transcends linear understanding. These transmissions can activate and heal the neural pathways in your cosmic nervous system, enhancing their connection to your physical system.


6. Breathwork and Pranayama:

  • Practice breathwork techniques to balance your energy and synchronize your systems. Deep, conscious breathing can help integrate higher frequencies into your body, supporting the alignment process.


7. Chakra Balancing:

  • Focus on balancing your chakras, as they are the energy centers that connect your physical and energetic bodies. Ensure that each chakra is open and aligned, allowing for the free flow of energy between your systems.


8. Guided Journey Sessions:

  • Participate in guided journey sessions designed specifically to harmonize your physical and cosmic nervous systems. These sessions can include elements of visualization, energy healing, and sacred geometry activations, tailored to facilitate deep integration and alignment.


9. Diet and Lifestyle Adjustments:

  • Adopt a diet and lifestyle that supports your energetic well-being. Consuming high-vibrational foods, staying hydrated, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle can significantly impact the health of your nervous systems..


10. Regular Energy Healing:

  • Engage with energy healers who can assist in aligning your systems. Modalities such as Reiki, ThetaHealing, or Quantum Touch can provide the necessary support to keep your systems harmonized and in sync.

11:11 Holographic Neurological Recalibration

Harmonizing Physical & Holographic Selves for Higher Dimensional Realms



 Hi Christel I just wanted to share that today after the session I felt and saw a large black snake like energy leave my body I had a huge emotional release. It felt very powerful.

 I am so grateful for your wonderful work with AA Metatron. This is life changing.

 Much Love and blessings

‾ Pamela

 I want to thank you for bringing me back to life. Last Wednesday morning, I reached out to close a window at 4:00 a.m. There was a serious and deep “crack” in my neck that went straight through my skull. I am thrilled to report I have slept through the night every night for a week. I have not slept through the night in 25+years. My neck and jaw pain are gone.  

  I injured my neck in 2014 and my dentist damaged my jaw 3 years ago during a procedure. The perpetual fight or flight button has deactivated. I feel calm and peaceful and that has not happened for 20+ years. I am so excited that I am finding my way to the new me! I look forward to what you and Metatron will do next. I am ready!  

‾ MF

 Thank you Christel for the Metatron session. I’m really blown away how effective it was immediately. The next morning and days after I’ve experienced a deep sense of peace, beauty, and love all around me I’ve never had before. I’m making creative decisions in the moment I know are for the highest good and I’m loving people with more depth than I ever have without needing them to change anything. There’s a heightened sense of space for acceptance and no anxiety. I’m really grateful for this new way of being. Thank you!  

‾ KL

 Thank you Christel! I’m really enjoying this process. I feel lighter and I’ve noticed that I feel more confident.  

‾ SH

 I got the most amazing reading and guidance from Christel Ella Marie Hughes last night. If you really want to know what’s standing in the way of you being your most BRILLIANT and AUTHENTIC self, you should work with her!  

‾ Dulani

 Energetically powerful, I could feel the pulsation of the energies moving through me and to another level. Thank you so much Christel for your capacity to guide the energies.  

‾ LD


"I’m here to support you in your journey of transformation and illumination. If you are seeking growth and clarity for your Spiritual awakening or a modality to support yourself along your path to purpose, love and greater fulfillment, then this is the space for you. Thank you for being conscious to take the next step."

"With Light for your path,"

Christel Hughes

Christel Hughes is a Multi-dimensional Visionary, Holographic High Priestess and Multi-Sensory Intuitive, known as the "Spiritual Trainer to the Stars", specializing in energetic healing and rapid transformation for Celebrities and individuals throughout the World. We are always in Awe because of Christel’s lightning-fast and laser-focused Intuitive readings that go directly to the core of the issue - she pinpoints it immediately.

Christel's work has broadened to include connecting with Archangel Metatron and mediating for Metatron’s cube to instantly shift a person’s consciousness... undoing mental, emotional and physical limitations...as well as opening up their Higher channels of communication.

The Academy for the Soul was born through Christel Hughes, as the 'Online School for Intuitive Arts'. Christel's purpose is to channel and shine light into the world, and to operate as a conduit of Divine Truth, working with people as they identify and develop their gifts, and step into their purpose-work. The Academy for the Soul helps people discover and develop their Intuitive Gifts, and then share those gifts with the world as an offering.