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Then scroll down to discover Amanda’s Special Offer!

for Vibrant Body Reclamation

by Amanda Hopkins

~ Unveiling & dissolving problematic energetic codes that lead to dis-ease & chronic issues in the body

~ Recognizing your power of choice to upgrade your own Body Consciousness

~ Awakening to your Body’s Divine Soul Centers ~ Remembering the sanctity of your Being for Radiant Cells

Your body's not cooperating? You make healthy choices - eating nutrient dense foods, drinking plenty of water, employing energetic tools to shift your body consciousness and more... but you still seem to be plagued by dis-ease or some sort of body dysfunction.

Underlying energetic codes drive your actions, choices & body’s responses to what you consume, take in & are surrounded by in your environment. When these codes lock a specific perspective or perception about your body in your psyche, it’s nearly impossible to change the current conditions of your body...

You always default back to these instructional directives - your body is literally shaped by the perceptions of your mind!

This is entirely unconscious through biochemical messages & neural signals in the body. Decoding your body is all about disintegrating the unconscious codes of corruption that lock a flawed perception of your body in your cellular consciousness.

You dismantle the current codes & redefine your internal programming codes by awakening your Soul Light Frequencies within the cells of your body. When you ‘see yourself’ through the eyes of the Divine, the overall vibratory tone of your body recalibrates to this heightened Self Truth.

Living the Light & Flow of your Soul Truth is the foundational principle for establishing body wellness & being able to interpret your body’s communication signals.

Option 1:


The most powerful way to transform your body’s health is by shifting your foundational body consciousness. The fastest, most effective way to do so is by accessing your highest Soul Wisdom, aligning with the unique Sacred Truth of you.

When you restore the vibration of Soul Truth in spaces + tissues of the body that were once constricted... the false paradigms constructed through life experiences, perspectives and memories become vibrationally invalid (That’s a great thing!).

All associated constructs and codes can no longer exist in your Soul Truth Frequency Field! So complex fabricated paradigms that aren’t a match for your ideal body flow rapidly disintegrate & dissolve.

There are specialized access points in your body that enable you to be openly available to expand your evolutionary consciousness. When these Sacred Flow Points are awakened, your cells naturally adapt to increased awareness in the moment of conscious + cellular expansion.

You instantly become a vibrational match to the evolving Soul Consciousness animating your body - massive reduction in detox symptoms as your body transitions into the Light Conductor it’s meant to be!

Item #1


Pillar of Light ~ Body Assessment


1-on-1 Body-Energy Reading with Small Group (Value: $444)


Expansive consciousness illuminated in the body has a powerful capacity to dissolve anything in the space + tissues that’s not a vibrational match for the high Soul Frequencies.

Resetting specific energy centers and structures in the body + removing corruption that hinders Sacred Flow increases your resilience and ability to monitor the energy movement through your own body.

Your natural reactions and responses are now based on a broader perspective and true, unfiltered information. This enables you to live more easily, according to highest Truth and benefit to you.

It’s vital to recognize and create a specific plan for awakening your body as your unique Pillar of Light to realize this efficiency and vitality within you.

Here’s what will be assessed for you:

  • Current condition of your 4 Illuminated Body Sacred Energy Centers - adjustments essential for upgrades + increased Sacred Soul Light Flow in your body
  • Main Body Source of Corruption Codes - where created + distributed in body
  • Top 2 Primary Sacred Soul Tools you’re Divinely Designed to activate and use to optimize your body’s foundational vibrational tone
  • Structural + Spinal Micro-Realignments that will strengthen your foundation to embody your highest Soul Frequency
  • Sacral upgrades that allow you to unleash, appreciate and unveil your Creative Soul Flow
  • Revelation of your Vibrant Body Cipher - codes of Sacred Illumination are hidden in your body, we’ll uncover the Cipher (secret & disguised code) that activates your Vibrant Body!

All of these pieces together form a map for you becoming the awakened Pillar of unique Soul Light…. This energetic orchestration in your body dances your cells to the tune of Soul magic & miracles that are distinctly and innately yours!

You’ll walk away with a plan and vibrational experience of aligning with the Highest Expression of yourSelf as a Pillar of Light.



Option 2:


Your body is a complex system of highly intelligent processes, checks & balances and amazing capacities that we don’t fully understand in entirety, even with eons of study.

It can seem daunting to decipher what’s impeding ideal body function, the signals the body’s sending you and the Sacred evolution that’s wanting to awaken within.

But there are specific steps and factors that can be directly addressed to gain the insights and attain the results you’re seeking. It all starts with assessing your current body condition and what’s driving that.

Amanda’s guiding you on this Sacred journey of recognizing what’s happening in your body-energy interface and making adjustments that match the Truth + light Flow of your Soul!

Item #1




~ Demystifying the process of disintegrating energetics that plague the body + uncovering it’s Sacred Hidden Messages


Interactive Course with Live Group Calls + Supplemental Materials (Value: $906)


What’s Included:

  • Body Primer + Intention Call
  • 3 Live Enlightenment Sessions
  • 3 Live Intuitive Reading Calls
  • 3 Enrichment PDFs


  • Body Primer + Intention Call

  • Establish the foundational light frequencies in your cells that match the Highest VIsion your Soul holds for your physical body expression.

    Remember YourSelf in your Pure Soul State - awaken to your expanded Soul Vibe to entrain your cells to your heightened Soul Light Essence, bringing your body into coherence with the greater Truth of you

    From this state of pure light embodied, you’ll vibrationally align with Highest Soul Vision for your Body and the Sacred Centers + Channels of Light that animate your Soul Gifts within.

    When your body operates from this state, you feel energized, drawn forward into actions and circumstances that light you up and radiantly joyful in your body.

  • 3 Live Illumination Sessions

  • 1. Dismantling Top 2 Body Pain + Restriction Paradigms

    Cognitive Looping and Fractal Incoherence - static vibrational codes associated with these energetic matrices lock your body into fixed conditions that can NOT be easily released.

    You’ll learn how to identify these types of codes embedded in your body-energy system and De-construct them so You Now choose the vibrational essence of your cells, moving forward.

    2. Removing Flawed Perceptual Filters

    Upgrade your Inner senses to enhance body communication - accurately receive + interpret the subtle messages your body is sharing with you

    Increase your ability to discern Truth, perceive through pure/clean lenses and act instantly on instinctual nudges with total faith + trust.

    Example: If your internal filter is set to look for and allow through ‘What’s wrong?’ , your cellular consciousness will focus on + find all the things you judge to be wrong. Your perceptual system will even warp how you ‘see’ your reality to fit into this misperception - you’ll identify things as ‘wrong’ even when they aren’t!

    3. Disintegrating Structural Weakening Agents in the Body

    Identify and remove invasive or destructive constructs that put stress and strain on your joints, spine, muscles, mind and more. This will link your physical body expression with the coinciding psychosomatic factors that prevent you from feeling strong, safe and secure in your body.

  • 3 Live Intuitive Reading Calls

  • Ask your questions and get personal feedback on the topics covered in the Illumination Sessions. You’ll be able to ask technical questions about the processes and information presented or get a personal Intuitive Reading on your energy in relation to the corresponding topic.

  • 3 Enrichment PDFS

  • Key Insights and Processes will be captured in the PDFs so you have them to refer back to - this way when something comes up you can make a quick, guided adjustment.

    These calls will cover:

    ~ PsychoSomatic Influences on your Physical Form + Body Expression

    ~ Expose Illusions that Corrupt Cellular Consciousness

    The perspectives you’re basing decisions off of that are not a vibrational match to your Soul Truth - specifically related to how you treat your body

    ~ 3 Main Inputs that determine your Physical Body Health and Foundational Frequency

    Most people address 2 out of the 3 when attempting to change how their body feels, responds or looks. While this can have an impact and bring some shift, it typically doesn’t last or create the full shift desired.

    Get clear on these 3 factors so you can take the guesswork out of transforming your physical body when desired.

    ~ Dismantling Matrices of Illusion

    These are embedded in your connective tissues, fascia, muscles and nervous system as contorted codes that do NOT match your Sacred Soul Flow for a specific body system, organ, gland or other body part.

    A Matrix of Illusion has you believing that in some false notion that the possibilities available with your body health and abilities are limited or less than what you can truly experience. It’s NOT true but it can feel very real.

    That’s because these matrices of illusion house you into a static state of being that confirms the limitation or undesired states. Learn what holds these matrices together and how to easily dismantle them to awaken your true Soul Body expression.

    ~ Body Appreciation - A New Perspective

    Major transition from believing that your body is/has a problem to be fixed to recognizing the Sacred Significance of ALL that occurs through your body.

    This requires more than a conscious understanding - consistent cellular reconditioning + directed conscious focus will radically transform your body… we’ll facilitate this unconscious awakening.

    ~ Your Definitions Revealed

    It’s important to recognize how you’re defining ‘healthy’ and other perspectives related to the body.

    We don’t want you settling for less than the greatest joy you can experience AND we want you accurately gauging what you are experiencing (sometimes your perspectives exaggerate or minimize the hardships - we’re striving for accuracy).

    You’ll get clarity on this so you can assess exactly where you are in relation to what you want to experience in your body at any given time.

    ~ Sacred Illuminations - Revealing Your Body’s Messages

    Your Soul Speaks to you through your body - all adjustments are designed to gain you greater awareness and access to the powerful SOUL MESSAGES vibrationally moving through your cells to open you to your Divine Mystique.

Item #2




for enhanced Soul Self Awareness, Body Stability + Strength and Sacred Cellular Awakening


~ 4 Live Remote Healing Activation Calls (Value: $444)


Support for 4 Key areas of the Body:

  • 1. Pineal Gland

  • 2. Thymus Gland

  • 3. Core/Navel

  • 4. Tailbone

Compromised function and flow through these specific points in your body will impair flow through your overall body system and disrupt the innate intelligence of your cellular consciousness from being awakened and available within your body tissues.

Through the Remote Healing Activation Calls, you’ll unravel disturbances and restore the Divine Blueprint of operation in these glands as well as surrounding and supporting organs, body structures and tissues.

You’ll receive Sacred symbols in each of these body areas to awaken dormant abilities and psychic awareness within your body tissues. These symbols will work with your energetic system and atomic structures for ongoing support and strengthening of your overall body system.

This enhances inter and intra-cellular communication within your body and aligns your body with your Soul Truth. You'll have replays available as downloadable mp3s after these calls so you can revisit the activations as often as you'd like!


  • 1. Pineal Gland Remote Healing + Activation

  • Decalcifying and Purifying your Pineal Gland aids your body, especially your immune system, metabolism, and sleep cycle regulation.

    When your pineal gland is calcified, hardened or otherwise shut down, your Clairvoyance is compromised, your capacity to accurately perceive your external World is skewed and your brain becomes imbalanced.

    This leads to habitual patterns of confusion, frustration, lack of clarity, indecision, false sense of incapability and more paradigms that can feel unsurmountable... yikes!

    You can restore ideal function and flow within and through your Pineal Gland with this Soul Light Cellular Activation process.

  • 2. Thymus Gland Remote Healing + Activation

  • Cleansing and Reactivating your Thymus Gland supports your Immune System function and regulation of energy flow throughout your body.

    When your Thymus gland is clogged, shrunken and shut down, you can experience extreme fatigue, be prone to getting sick easily, have difficulty overcoming obstacles, feel listless - lacking passion for life, be completely disconnected from your True purpose and riddled with Self-Doubt.

    This Soul Light Cellular Activation for your Thymus Gland will dismantle these energetic paradigms and awaken you to greatly increased light flow through your thymus gland... and in turn your entire body system!

    Ignite the flow of passion through this space of your body for greater fulfillment and empowerment. Open to greater Self-Trust, Self-Love and remember Sacred Treasures of your Soul.

  • 3. Core/Navel Remote Healing + Activation

  • Unwinding and Untwisting tightness around your navel area to strengthen your core - both in your abdomen and your back harmonizes your digestion, supports your liver, improves your spinal alignment, optimizes nervous system function and fosters immune system balance in the ever-changing physical environment of your body.

    This restores connection between Heart and lower body ~ your Heart is the bridge between awakened consciousness and the physical realm.

    When flow through your navel is re-established in this way, heightened awareness is illuminated within the cells of your body.

  • 4. Tailbone Remote Healing + Activation

  • Unlocking and Strengthening your Tailbone will help strengthen your energetic foundation and lower body stability and balance.

    This especially supports your lower body... namely your joints - hips, knees, and ankles.

    When this space is free, your enabled to draw a heightened flow of light and Higher Consciousness energies all the way down fully into your lower body. This opens, stabilizes and strengthens your connection with Mother Earth supporting your heightened manifestation abilities.

    Item #3




    Divine Body Systems Exploration


    9 Part Audio Series (Value: $495)



    Immune, Digestive, Endocrine, Nervous, Respiratory, Circulatory, Muscular, Skeletal and Integumentary

    Journey through these major body systems to recognize the potent physical roles these spectacular energetic powerhouses play in the body.

    You’ll understand the Sacred Significance of these body systems and the major players (body parts and energetic centers + channels) in funneling Divine Light through your body.

    Each call boasts an upgrade for the system we’re exploring and disassembling of energetics that impede ideal function and flow in the body through the specific structures and channels we’re addressing.


Option 1

Pillar of Light Body Assessment
+ Live Interactive Course &
Supplemental Materials


Pillar of Light ~ Body Assessment

Body Primer & Intention Call

3 Live Enlightenment Sessions

3 Live Intuitive Reading Calls

3 Enrichment PDFs

4 Soul Light Cellular Activations


Total Value

This SPECIAL OFFER is available for




Option 2

Live Interactive Course &
Supplemental Materials


Body Primer & Intention Call

3 Live Enlightenment Sessions

3 Live Intuitive Reading Calls

3 Enrichment PDFs

4 Soul Light Cellular Activations


Total Value

This SPECIAL OFFER is available for





" Amanda is a true Wizard and Clairvoyant ~ She sees beyond the veil and knows what to do to instantly relieve the culprit causing the stress on the immune system. She knows her stuff with the physical body and can brilliantly explain in a easy to understand way all that is occurring And then support one in Transforming it for good. I send all of my clients to Amanda that have issues with the Endocrine system, her specialty. I highly recommend her if you have issues with your body that you've not been able to identify...Trust me she's the Best! "

Christel Hughes, Multi-sensory Intuitive and creator of Academy for the Soul, The online school for Intuitive Arts

"Thank you for our session last Friday. it worked! I woke Saturday morning having more ease than I have felt in months."


" Amanda is a beautiful soul with a kind, loving heart. She creates a very warm and safe space for deep healing to occur.

I recently experienced symptoms similar to acute pancreatitis. I had severe abdominal pain with intense spasms. I was unable to eat or sleep for days because of the intensity of the pain and even taking a sip of water resulted in crippling and excruciating spasms.

I reached out to Amanda and scheduled a Body Stabilization Session with her. In the session, Amanda moved through each organ in my Digestive System, energetically clearing and cleaning the energies and emotions that were contributing to the symptoms that I was experiencing. Immediately after the session I was relieved to notice that the intense spasms and pain were gone and that my stomach had resumed gurgling and rumbling happily. I could feel lots of vibration and pulsation in and around my body and I was so happy to be able to resume eating and drinking without acute spasms.

Amanda is a very gifted healer who is able to quickly and accurately get to the cause of whatever is causing the deficient flow in your body. I really love working with her and wholeheartedly recommend her. "

Patricia, Australia

" Amanda Hopkins is an energy worker of the highest order. I have had the pleasure of working with Amanda on several occasions, and each time she has facilitated important shifts. The Energy Deficiency Scan and Recalibration Process, combined with Amanda's inherent gifts and her heart-centered desire to help have made Amanda an important part of my journey. Thank you, Amanda! "

John O.

"I just wanted to express my gratitude for the session I had with you this morning. I wanted to say that I really felt something when you were working with me and I really loved how gentle and supportive your energy and approach was. Being a physiotherapist I also really resonated with your reference to and attention on the nervous system and energy systems - it made so much sense to me :) Thank you for what you have done for me and I trust that the impact will gradually show as significant improvements in my life and whole body being."


" Amanda has a true gift for locating energy deficiencies in the body. I'm so grateful for the session I had with her. She could see areas of distress in my body before I even told her what I was feeling and then guided me into shifting them. She holds such a strong powerful space for transformation. I could feel the energetic density melting away. Thank you, Amanda! "

Laura Williams, Academy Master Teacher

" Magical! That is the best word I have to describe the sessions I have had with Amanda. She identified deficiencies in my body that I was unaware of--these deficiencies were draining my energy and causing me to be sluggish in everything I was doing--my purpose work, my relationships, etc. By clearing these energies, Amanda took me from a state of being unfocused and scattered into being focused, flowing, and aligned. She explained how she sees the body, mind, and spirit as interconnected energies. When the body is out of alignment, the other aspects are always affected. What a true Alchemist Amanda is. I am so grateful for my sessions with her and cannot recommend her enough. "

Lisa Autry


Amanda Hopkins

Amanda Hopkins, is an International Expert in identifying deficient energy flow in the body that impairs function and creates dis-ease. She's known for her Clairvoyant ability to penetrate deeply into the root cause and immediately identify the main elements causing illness.

Amanda has a unique and powerful process of Intuitively Mapping points in your body systems that are collectively undermining vitality and depleting your body’s energetic resources. With her keen intuitive mastery and wizard like abilities, Amanda has supported hundreds of people with restoring energy flow so their body can repair itself and recover its High level vitality.

Ultimately as a Certified Intuitive Strategist, NLP and Academy Master teacher, she assists and provides you with the tools to create inner stability for lasting whole body wellness. Her Purpose is to greatly empower you in your relationship with your body.