Click the Audio Player below to Listen to the Replay of Intuitive Readings by Amanda Hopkins


Click the Video Player to the Meet Up with Amanda Hopkins
~ or listen to the Audio version below


Then scroll down to discover her Special Offer!


Convert Trails of Trauma choking life out of your cells running through muscles & fascia...into Avenues of Divine Light infusing your tissues

by Amanda Hopkins

Ready to illuminate your Supra-Cellular Consciousness - that pure Light of Truth that naturally regenerates your body (and all of it's tissues) as a radiant vessel of vitalty and Divinity?

If you're like most people, you've diligently been working to stand more fully in your sovereign Soul Light unaware that lurking beneath the surface, in your body, are hardened trauma tracks that snuff out your radiant Soul Light before it can take root.

Whether it's a minor or major injury, such as someone yelling at you in a loud, intimidating voice, an emotional trauma - like being embarrassed in front of your peers, intense abuse, surgery or some other ordeal, trauma experiences leave imprints and lasting impressions known as trauma points in your body.

These trauma points are loaded with intense emotional charges that you bury deep within in an attempt to lessen the painful impact of them. You begin compensating for the emotional attachments embedded in these trauma points which stack & connect with subsequent trauma ordeals, becoming entire tracks of trauma before long. This distortion in your innate energy flow feels 'normal' for you, due to the compensations, even though it's not ideal!

You're now driven by hidden, tortuous trails steeped in intense emotions (like fear, anxiety, anguish, hurt, etc.) - the tendency is to avoid anything that might trigger similar emotional responses within you ever again.

The problem is, you're no longer operating in accordance with your innate Soul Design - so as you continue to awaken & attempt to expand your Soul awareness though your body, it can actually become incredibly painful as the heightened light energies hit these hardened trails of trauma full of compacted emotions.

You may experience strange symptoms you've never had before, become tight & stiff - afraid to try or do anything because it just seems to cause more pain to surface, feel like you're losing everything or things in your life are 'falling apart'... or other bizarre occurrences.

Your body is being called to awaken your Supra-Consciousness within (in even the most tiny spaces & structures) - but with trauma tracks in place, the light flow that awakens supra-consciousness is perceived as a threat.

That's why we've got to uncover buried trauma + reignite the Avenues of Light through your muscles, fascia & Nervous System that foster receptivity to expanded states of your unique Soul Supra-Consciousness.

Option 1:


Your Soul holds an infinite span of profound wisdom & insight beyond the scope of your current incarnation in your physical body. This valuable expanse of Supra-Consciousness is accessible through the body & can ignite the magical cellular properties that foster healing + unleash untapped potential in the body.

Dormant abilities can be awakened when we convert old trauma pathways running low-level energies throughout your body tissues into Supra-Consciousness Highways that run elevated (& ever-expanding light frequencies) through you.

Let's light up your Supra-Cellular Consciousness for illuminated living!




Supra-Cellular Consciousness Awakening Live Group Energy Lab


with Personalized 1-on-1 Reading & Clearing (Value: $333)


Awakening your Supra-Cellular Consciousnss (your pure, unadulterated Soul Frequencies) in your body is the key to attuning your body so that you're living in Supreme States of Trancendence. Rather than being overwhelmed by life, you're inspired & energized by it!

There are several key 'players' in the body that will be assessed & upgraded to set a strong foundation for you to run & hold the Supreme Dimensional Light Frequencies associated with your Specific Soul Supra-Cellular Consciousness.

You'll move through a strategic journey through the Live Group Call with Amanda as follows:

~ Personalized 1-on-1 Support & Transmutation:

1. Dissolve your primary dissociation with your body due to trauma ordeals

With any traumatic experience (no matter how big or small), there's a degree of dissociation from your body that innately occurs to minimize & titrate the pain & suffering happening in the moment of the event.

Typically this rift continues to persist post-trauma unless you deliberately address it. Accompanying the dissociation is deficient energy flow wherever it exists in your body-energy network!

We must identify & resolve the body-dissociation that's most prominent within you to restore vital energy flow that breathes life into your cells.

2. Recondition your Vagus Nerve - from fear based responsivity to POWerful Avenue of Divine Light

3. Upgrade the 'Muscle of Your Soul' - Disintegrate #1 Constriction immobilizing iliopsoas for:

- Increased hip flexion, joint mobility & lower back freedom

- Improved mobility - enabling you to adjust rapidly to meet the needs of any situation in moment it's occurring

- Instanteous upgrades - reset cells to automatically upgrade in the presence of eleveated light frequencies

~ Supra-Cellular Consciousness Upgrades & Restoration:

All essential energetic shifts necessary for your cells to gain access to your expansive Supra-Consciousness that awakens you to realms of possibilities that have never been imagined before!

We'll restore your Higher Guidance at the level of the individual cells, especially within your major information highways of the body (Vagus Nerve, Fascia, Muscles, Nervous System, Hormones) + deepen your capacity to trust your body's instincts + intuitive nudges & direction.

** This will be done in the combination of your personalized reading & the group healing process.

~ Whole Body Reset & Cellular Attunement to your Soul's Supra-Cellular Consciousness Frequencies:

All cellular instructions, tissue memory & mental programming will be reconfigured to completely release more deeply entrenched trauma grooves or particles preventing your Supra-Consciousness lightwaves to take root.

This process will re-form the individual cells of your body so the function is aligned with your expansive Soul Light Wisdom & Truth, establishing an unparalleled capacity to operate within the fields of your Sovereign Soul Light. being intuitively & naturally guided into actions, choices, behavioral habits & opportunities that reflect & awaken your great Soul potential & bliss-filled living within.

Through this Group Journey we'll install & integrate your unique + specific template for your fascia, iliopsoas & Vagus Nerve Supra-Consciousness Highway!

When illuminated, this Supra-Cellular Consciousness Template attunes your body & cells to the innate frequencies that allow you to receive & respond to expansive Soul perspectives & awakened Celestial Consciousness paradigms that you're designed to bring through you for your body & this Planet!

~~~ Everything in Option 2 Below is included with Option 1 ~~~


Option 2:


Trauma patterns are woven & stored throughout the body in a myriad of ways - it can be shocking to realize how deeply impacted you are by buried striations of anxiety & fear-based impressions that make up a whole hidden world within you.

It's absolutely vital to uncover & excavate these hidden patterns in the body-energy systems in order to ignite the full Soul Light Potential yearning to awaken within you - otherwise the heightened light energies can only be experienced as fleeting moments of relief (or even bliss) OR may seem painful - like an assault to your system!

Let yourself be held in a loving, strong field of light designed to specifically, gently & powerfully uproot trauma-based patterning in the body & recondition your Sacred Pathways as luminous Avenues of Light that energize & enliven your body!




Body Tissue Trauma Release Workshop


Live Group Workshop (Value $225)


In the workshop, you'll journey through the body, moving deep into muscle, fascia & specific body structures to unveil hidden trauma that's triggering automatic protection-based sensory responses in the body:

-Inappropriately triggering fight-flight-freeze mechanisms to be activated (leads to procrastination, indecision, adrenal burnout, poor sleep & more!)

- Lending to hormonal imbalances & skewed chemical messenger communications

- Impairing your body's ability to effectively balance blood sugar, blood pressure & electrolytes

- Causing constriction that shunts energy movement in the body (closing off vital nutrient flow to your cells)

... & more!

Specifically you'll be:

~ Doing deep excavations of trauma tracks & energetic scarring in:

  • Psoas & Iliacus Muscles - which impact hip flexion
  • Brain Memory Centers - specifically hippocampus & amygdala
  • Sensory Organs - removal of triggers that remind your body of experienced trauma
  • Spleen, Stomach & 'Worry' Centers in your Body
  • Back, Shoulders & Neck - especially the fascia that's tightened or hardened in these areas
  • Vagus Nerve

~ Uprooting & Eliminating 5 specific types of camouflaged body trauma tracks:

1. Compacted Trauma - like a compacted bowel this is trauma that's been packed in & causing a backup, an energetic constipation in the body

2. Deeply Entrenched Trauma Trails - each trail runs through multiple areas of body & prohibits expansive light that will unlock stifling trauma memories/frequencies

3. Binding Trauma Snarls - these specific tracks wrap around body structures and tissues, suffocating the specific body organ/gland/part impacted

4. Trauma Trigger Points - dense, impenetrable points in the body that unleash seemingly unbearable sensations when cracked open. We can use light to pop them out completely and release the hidden energtic charges encased at those points.

5. Sticky, Pervasive Trauma - like glue in the body, the subconscious persepctive is that you think you need this tacky energy in the spaces it exists to hold you together. There's often reluctance to let these trauma trails go because in doing so it feels like you're 'falling apart'

Amanda will be guiding you through these Sacred clearings using her Trauma Tracing Technique that elegantly illuminates & disintegrates trauma trails that previously hindered or even debilitated you.

~ Experiencing Myofascial Re-Innervation

Once you've released these deeply embedded trauma patterns, you'll do a Myofascial Re-Innervation - restoring Divine Light Flow through your fascia & resetting your muscles & structural alignment in accordance with your Divine Light Flow Template coming online.

This is a spectacular attunement that will reorder your cells so that they become a radiant expression of your unique Soul Light.


Injury Consciousness Dissolution


Guided Journey to Dissolve Scar Tissue & Attune Your Body to your Elevated Soul Resonance - Downloadable MP3 (Value: $67)


When you've experienced an injury of any sort - even if it's small or seemingly insignificant, an intricate web of consciousness is formed for your protection in an attempt to prevent future occurrences.

Numerous threads of consciousness programs are interwoven throughout your Nervous System, body tissues & energetic map related to what you perceive caused the injury in the 1st place + the impact of the injury & how that's limited you or caused you pain.

These threads connect to form an entire system of protection, energetic scar tissue that locks down your mobility, tightening your fascia & range of motion in your physical body.

Through this guided journey you'll be led to the #1 most intense injury plaguing your body (which may surprise you!). You'll unwind the dynamics that led to the injury + dissolve the resulting energetic restriction tendrils that were interwoven & instituted as the protection mechanism.

You'll restore radiant light flow & Soul Truth to the spaces that were compromised & upgrade the energetic protection for your entire body so you feel safe, strong & empowered moving forward.

Option 1

Supra-Cellular Consciousness Awakening Live Group Energy Lab Comprehensive Package


~ Supra-Cellular Consciousness Awakening Live Group Energy Lab

~ Body Tissue Trauma Release Workshop

~ Injury Consciousness Dissolution Guided Journey

Total Value




Option 2

Body Tissue Trauma Release Workshop


~ Body Tissue Trauma Release Workshop

~ Injury Consciousness Dissolution Guided Journey

Total Value





" Amanda is a true Wizard and Clairvoyant ~ She sees beyond the veil and knows what to do to instantly relieve the culprit causing the stress on the immune system. She knows her stuff with the physical body and can brilliantly explain in a easy to understand way all that is occurring And then support one in Transforming it for good. I send all of my clients to Amanda that have issues with the Endocrine system, her specialty. I highly recommend her if you have issues with your body that you've not been able to identify...Trust me she's the Best! "

Christel Hughes, Multi-sensory Intuitive and creator of Academy for the Soul, The online school for Intuitive Arts

"Thank you for our session last Friday. it worked! I woke Saturday morning having more ease than I have felt in months."


" Amanda is a beautiful soul with a kind, loving heart. She creates a very warm and safe space for deep healing to occur.

I recently experienced symptoms similar to acute pancreatitis. I had severe abdominal pain with intense spasms. I was unable to eat or sleep for days because of the intensity of the pain and even taking a sip of water resulted in crippling and excruciating spasms.

I reached out to Amanda and scheduled a Body Stabilization Session with her. In the session, Amanda moved through each organ in my Digestive System, energetically clearing and cleaning the energies and emotions that were contributing to the symptoms that I was experiencing. Immediately after the session I was relieved to notice that the intense spasms and pain were gone and that my stomach had resumed gurgling and rumbling happily. I could feel lots of vibration and pulsation in and around my body and I was so happy to be able to resume eating and drinking without acute spasms.

Amanda is a very gifted healer who is able to quickly and accurately get to the cause of whatever is causing the deficient flow in your body. I really love working with her and wholeheartedly recommend her. "

Patricia, Australia

" Amanda Hopkins is an energy worker of the highest order. I have had the pleasure of working with Amanda on several occasions, and each time she has facilitated important shifts. The Energy Deficiency Scan and Recalibration Process, combined with Amanda's inherent gifts and her heart-centered desire to help have made Amanda an important part of my journey. Thank you, Amanda! "

John O.

"I just wanted to express my gratitude for the session I had with you this morning. I wanted to say that I really felt something when you were working with me and I really loved how gentle and supportive your energy and approach was. Being a physiotherapist I also really resonated with your reference to and attention on the nervous system and energy systems - it made so much sense to me :) Thank you for what you have done for me and I trust that the impact will gradually show as significant improvements in my life and whole body being."


" Amanda has a true gift for locating energy deficiencies in the body. I'm so grateful for the session I had with her. She could see areas of distress in my body before I even told her what I was feeling and then guided me into shifting them. She holds such a strong powerful space for transformation. I could feel the energetic density melting away. Thank you, Amanda! "

Laura Williams, Academy Master Teacher

" Magical! That is the best word I have to describe the sessions I have had with Amanda. She identified deficiencies in my body that I was unaware of--these deficiencies were draining my energy and causing me to be sluggish in everything I was doing--my purpose work, my relationships, etc. By clearing these energies, Amanda took me from a state of being unfocused and scattered into being focused, flowing, and aligned. She explained how she sees the body, mind, and spirit as interconnected energies. When the body is out of alignment, the other aspects are always affected. What a true Alchemist Amanda is. I am so grateful for my sessions with her and cannot recommend her enough. "

Lisa Autry


Amanda Hopkins

Amanda Hopkins is an International Expert in identifying deficient energy flow in the body that impairs function and creates dis-ease. She's known for her Clairvoyant ability to penetrate deeply into the root cause and immediately identify the main elements causing illness.

Amanda has a unique and powerful process of Intuitively Mapping points in your body systems that are collectively undermining vitality and depleting your body's energetic resources. With her keen intuitive mastery and wizard like abilities, Amanda has supported hundreds of people with restoring energy flow so their body can repair itself and recover its High level vitality.

Ultimately as a Certified Intuitive Strategist, NLP and Academy Master teacher, she assists and provides you with the tools to create inner stability for lasting whole body wellness. Her Purpose is to greatly empower you in your relationship with your body.