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LIVE Energy Experience

LIVE, FREE Heart Beautification Party! ~ 4th Chakra ~ Clearing, Opening & Adornment

Reclaim the Beauty & Radiance of your Heart: for Joy, Warmth & Lightness!

Clear, Open, Nourish & Adorn your Heart!

~ Have you lost touch with your Joy?

~ Are you hiding aspects of your Heart so that others won't perceive them ~ not even yourself?

~ Do you feel like a gloominess has taken you over, and you can't find it in yourself to simply enjoy the moment?

~ Is your Heart's overwhelm leaving you numb, in apathy?

~ Have you forgotten to be playful and to love and cherish the Beauty present within you?

This can be caused by many burdens weighing on your Heart, such as:
~ Overwhelming feelings of heart pains, heartache, loneliness, betrayal, abandonment, neglect
~ Worries about not finding your True Love, tendency to unhealthy attachments, desperately looking for the love you lack for yourself
~ Habits of rejecting others, whether it’s an offer to help, or an invitation to spend time together, deflecting compliments
~ Tendencies to overgive or overdo to ‘prove your value’ to others, to lose your Self or identity by pleasing others
~ Physical Body issues - especially in the heart area, shoulders, lungs and throat
~ Shutting down aspects of your Self, avoiding vulnerability and intimacy, denying yourself the care and nurturing you generously offer to others
... and more! It all leads to a shutting down of your heart, hiding it behind closed doors, keeping locked the Beauty it has to offer to the world... and to YOU, in the first place!

> BONUS Remote HeartSpace Brightenings: daily remote healings for your Heart, as soon as you sign up! 

> AND downloadable audio after the event to enjoy as many times as you like :-) 
Heart Heal Up:
Your Heart-Beautification Party!
Reclaim the Beauty & Radiance of your Heart!
... Step out of the feelings of Gloominess, Overwhelm, Apathy!
Show up to this Free, Virtual Energy Clearing & Activation and start Emanating the Beauty of your Heart!
Clear your Heart

Clear the uncomfortable feelings and emotions burdening your heart, making it a difficult for you to keep it open.
Open your Heart

Enter the space of your Heart, reclaiming it as YOURS! Restore your Heart as the Center of your Being, choosing to live a heart-centered experience! 
Adorn your Heart

Allow your Heart to be nourished and receive gifts of Light, Beauty and Radiance offering Joy, Warmth and Lightness ~ to be shared with your Whole Being... and the World! 
Totally Free Beautification
of your HEART!
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