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Heart Heal Up Access

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Heart Heal Up Replay

Click the Audio Player above to listen to the audio

Click on the 3 dots in the Player above to download your audio file

Salt Bath PDF

Accessible Online/Downloadable PDF... This PDF is yours to keep in your library so you can
reference the information anytime you need to.

Click here to access your Salt Bath PDF

Wild Heart Healing ~ Private 1-1 Session
with Heidi Sue Special Offer

Offer available for a limited time at this discounted price

Click here to access your Special Offer

Your Bonus: Remote HeartSpace Brightenings

Daily remote healings for your Heart offered by Heidi Sue

Click here to access your Bonus

Join our Skool Community

Craving for personal interactions & support? Join our Skool community where Christel & the Academy for the Soul Team welcome you,
answer your questions, scan for you when you're unsure of which package option
is in your highest good + offer blessings & much more!

Click Here to Join

Meet your Hosts for this Event: Heidi Sue & Sophie Bidard

christel hughesThe Academy for the Soul was born through Christel Hughes, as the 'Online School for Intuitive Arts'. The Academy for the Soul helps people discover and develop their Intuitive Gifts, and then share those gifts with the world as an offering.

Most people know Christel for her lightening-fast and laser-focused Intuitive readings. Known as 'The Spiritual Trainer to the Stars', Christel's work has broadened to include multiple programs and pathways to Higher Consciousness and Energetic Transformation. Christel's purpose is to bring and shine light into the world, and to operate as a conduit of Divine Truth, working with people as they identify and develop their gifts, and step into their purpose-work.

Copyright 2024 Empowering Journeys, Inc.