Click the Video Player above to Watch the video MEET UP with John Burgos


Click the Audio Player above for the REPLAY of Intuitive Readings Galore! With John

Then scroll down to discover John’s Special Offer!

A Membership for Spiritual Awakening

by John Burgos

“I’ll help you uncover your unique spiritual essence so you can awaken to The Truth of Existence. If you choose to be active in your spiritual journey, together we can open invisible doors!” ~ John Burgos


The LITE (Living in the Extraordinary) community has been created as a result of the guidance John has received to share with you & pay forward all that he’s learned.

He’s bringing you his direct experiences, higher self, guides on the etheric, amazing spiritual teachers & connection to the Divine.

Whether you’ve been following him on ‘Beyond The Ordinary Show’ for a long time or are new to his community, John is committed to meet you where you are.

As you open the vortex of your potential, you‘ll discover things about yourself you never even knew!

You’ll get direct support from John & from an amazing community of kindred spirits, who just like you, are ready to live in the extraordinary!

Stabilize a Coherent Field to Create the Conditions for becoming a Conduit for your Innate Intelligence:

  • Learn how to create from your Innate Integrity + Be in the listening & application to Magnetize your Essence into Form
  • Tune into your Unique Blueprint & learn how to hold it steady in Vibrational Coherence with your Highest Self
  • Become a Magnetic Attractor
  • Amplify opportunities in your life
  • Be moved into an augmented space of Potential Expression of Self
  • Allow John himself to lead & support you in your next phase of Awakening!

This is where the Leap occurs between Dreaming the Dream
& Walking the Dream that becomes your Reality!

Option 1:


Monthly Online Membership


(3 consecutives months ~ Value $2070)


Make Quantum Leaps in your Personal Transformation!

Having received a multitude of coachings, trainings, channeled messages, direct experiences with the Divine…. Having had hundreds of private sessions with some of the most sought-after teachers from around the world...

John Burgos invites you in the Sacred Space of the Living in the Extraordinary Membership where you’ll...

  • Redefine the shadow
  • Learn how to discern what is Sacred ~ in every experience
  • Understand how we are being led to the path of profound Expansion & Liberation
  • Dissolve scarcity mindset & fear
  • Embrace & open the Flow of Abundance
  • Discover how to be intimate within yourself, with others & with the Divine
  • Step into your Actualized Potential
  • Activate the field by feeling a deep sense of belonging & acceptance
  • Gain access to lost soul pieces & reclaim Innate Strength, Latent Talent & Divine Remembering
  • Open a direct line of Communication with your Guides, Higher Self, Source, Intuition & Psychic Awareness
  • Be in consistent, harmonic relationship with The Golden Light Frequencies (5-D) & above
  • Learn new forms of Creation in alignment with what your Heart & Soul yearn to create from
  • Build a solid, unshakeable foundation of Peace, Ease & Grace—a platform of Strength & Love you can emanate during any life circumstance or event
  • Become aligned with your Soul Partner, Financial Abundance, Health, Passion & Purpose

What’s included in the monthly Living in the Extraordinary membership?

  • Each week can include & is not limited to, brand new transmissions, tools, channeled messages, empowering materials & direct access to John to support you in every area of your life.
  • LIVE group calls happening every Monday at 5 pm PT.
  • Over 100 modules of content in the Library.
  • Personal access to the members-only portal so you can get your trainings any time you want, on any device—including your mobile phone.
  • Live connection with John during member-only video trainings.
  • “Home-play” (instead of “homework”) to practice & integrate principles from the live group calls.
  • Q&A sessions – you can ask John just anything!
  • Surprise content that’s fun, provocative and stretches your imagination.
  • Weekly emails with new content & check-ins
  • Online Membership Portal – easy access to all content, whenever you want
  • All live content provided in audio & video format saved to your personal web portal for 7/24/365 access.

You’ll also receive:

An amazing community of kindred spirits. Connect with other members, ask and answer questions, share your insights, find support, and create new realities.

~ Discounts with a special group some of the best personal guides that John has worked with over the last 10 years

~ Discounts on live events, & more—only available to LITE members!

~ Special pricing for private group retreats (John is planning some epic destination retreats to be together in person, visit sacred sites, & go even deeper…)

  • An Exclusive, Private L.I.T.E. Facebook Group
  • Discounts & Special Offers
  • Connection to a powerful communion of healers, light-workers, spiritual entrepreneurs, change agents, and holy rebels from around the world—your spiritual family!

How will you access your LITE (Living in the Extraordinary) membership?

~ Everything that you need is on our beautiful, easy to use members’ only website—accessible via computer, tablet, or smartphone.

~ Just log in with your personal id and access all the videos, lectures, trainings, assignments, audio, and more.

~ As long as you’re a member, you can access the current and all previously recorded content on your personal dashboard.

~ You can also download the monthly live training as audio and save it on your devices so you can listen anywhere you want.

To make it SUPER easy to stay consistent, receive weekly emails to encourage & support you.

Join the LITE private Facebook group to connect with the fellowship, ask questions, share your “Aha!” moments, & have fun!


This isn’t a course or workshop… There’s no curriculum..
It’s Presence!


Option 1



3 consecutive months of Living in the Extraordinary Membership

Total Value





This Sacred Membership is for you, if you

  • Are ready to feel & excited again about what Life has to offer
  • Want to experience the end of suffering (That’s right, John claims this is possible, right now!)
  • Are searching for kindred spirits that ‘get it’
  • Crave a deeper connection with your Soul, Spirit Guides & Source
  • Want to learn & grow from trauma, loss, or other life-changing events
  • Are ready to end ‘karmic’ lessons & embrace your Dharma—& its opportunities
  • Desire to ride the waves of Benevolent Consciousness & become a living example of what is possible when we awaken & embrace the Power of Innocence, Divine Grace & Wisdom
  • Are ready to jump timelines
  • Desire to feel the Joy of being immersed in your Creativity, Passion & Purpose
  • Want to live in a state of masterful navigation & intimate relationship with the Divine!


"I just want to say thank you for being such an oasis & source of spiritual renewal & opportunities for growth. So thank you, John. You do so much more good than you know."

~ Laura H.

"You are making such a HUGE difference to some of us who are so hugely energetically sensitive that the difference between our inner world and “the world” is enormously challenging.

Knowing that I can have these to do and receive in _my_ divine timing is a VERY big deal..."

~ Katherine.

"I am so grateful to God for leading me to you and the work you are doing.

My life will forever be changed. I truly love you for giving this to me."

~ JoAnn.

"I don’t even know how I found you but needed to take a moment to say thank you for the work you’re doing.

I love that you are a man, a conscious man, carrying and living, being a role model for the sacred masculine aspect which is so underrepresented in our planet today, but is growing.

I feel like I have found my tribe in a way. Much gratitude for bringing this forward to us."

~ Kathy.

"Wow, another great class with unexpected directions. I’m finding I receive some new insights every time I listen to the Sun Meditation. I just feel something big is about to shift. And I am so ready for it! What an AMAZING call full of WOWS and AHS and SNIFFS and AHAS and YAYS! I could feel SO much from so many on soooo many levels, oh my."

~ Sheila.

"My experience of the healing tone/vibration of John’s voice had me slipping into what I would like to a reiki induced space of Being that took me off in other directions to a stream of consciousness of profound relaxation and peace where I would come into mental focus each time..."

~ Ilene.

"I want to thank you so much for your presence. I have navigated many platforms similar to yours but I always end up coming back to you because nothing compares even remotely to yours.

I have come to determine it is because of your presence. I have listened to guests on other webcasts but they always shine on your show by comparison. It is because of you…"

~ Shelli.

"I’m always amazed by you, your clarity and compassion of purpose and skilled insightful power of authority.

It is stunningly displayed in the most conscious effort of affection."

~ Angela.


John Burgos

John Burgos, is an intuitive psychic guide, internationally recognized public speaker, and wayshower who thrives when collaborating with provocative spiritual leaders, bringing light to the shared power of the awakened collective consciousness.

Passionate about cultivating leading-edge communities that empower the rising of consciousness, John created the Beyond The Ordinary Show which quickly grew into an interactive community for those seeking ancient wisdom, the next generation of mystical teachings, spiritual awakening, and ascension guidance, with a pragmatic and coherent delivery.

Having been initiated into connecting with higher states of awareness, and realms beyond the physical, John’s call quickly became to be of service. He is here to bring you back to your soul’s wisdom. Bringing light to information kept in the dark.