Click the Video Player above to Watch the MEET UP with Kari Kiazyk


Click the Audio Player above for the REPLAY of Intuitive Readings Galore! With Kari

Then scroll down to discover Kari's Special Offer!

~ Shatter the false Illusions of your Mind
~ Shed the Veils of Misconception

by Kari Kiazyk

Ready for an odyssey of self-discovery, prepared to bask in the luminosity of your cosmic core? Imagine a distinct pathway to shatter illusions, casting off veils and unveiling untapped dimensions within yourself.

What if a distinctive pathway existed to not only break through illusions but also to effortlessly shed the veils that obscure your true self, unveiling unexplored realms within you?

Imagine embracing a reality where every moment becomes a portal to new dimensions within yourself, where self-discovery isn't just a process but a thrilling adventure. Ready to embark on this cosmic odyssey?

The Aurora Borealis, a radiant spectacle, mirrors the alchemical process within you!

In the chaos of life, a precious gift awaits. This alchemical process, intricately designed by the Universe, leads you to a euphoric experience where veils are shed and illusions of your lower mind shattered. This revelation becomes a powerful tool, helping release the self-imposed prisons of limiting beliefs.

Are you ready to cast off the veils of deception and step boldly into the radiant Light of Truth?

Now is the time to shatter the illusion of false perceptions, ego-driven desires and attachments. Begin to perceive a deeper, more authentic reality, recognizing the unity of all things and the presence of the Divine within yourself.

Don't spend another day within the self-made prison of your mind... Are you ready to shatter the illusion and step into the Magnificence of your Cosmic Essence?

Stop letting fear, judgment, self-criticism & external expectations limit your potential!

It's time to shed the veil of misconception, embrace your Inner Divine and experience a deep sense of Oneness, Inner Peace & Self-Acceptance.

This is your Opportunity to shatter illusions, shed misconceptions and step into a New Paradigm of Understanding.

Option 1:





  • Unlocking the Cosmic Self ~ Aurora Alchemy Experience 60 minute 1:1 Private Session, including an Aurora Veil Dissolution Attunement: Unveiling Your Cosmic Essence
  • Illuminating Beyond Illusion Workshop Trilogy + Intention Call & Intuitive Readings + Body Priming Sound Bath
  • Bonus ~ Sound Elixirs of Liberation

Item #1


~ Aurora Alchemy Experience
Private Session


(60 minute 1:1 Private Healing Session ~ Value $425)


We incarnated with the Veil of Forgetfulness so that we could experience the fullness of the human experience, but in doing so, our subconscious is keeping us in this self-imposed prison.

In order to shatter this illusion & pierce the veil, Kari harnesses the power & energy of the Aurora Borealis -- one of her dearest Cosmic Guides.

Curious about the cosmic alchemy that lies within the ethereal dance of the Aurora Borealis?

In a wild and unexpected AHA moment Kari was invited in on this secret... the ethereal dance of the Aurora Borealis unveils the mysteries of your true self.

At the heart of this cosmic revelation is the Cosmic Pearlescent Sound Chalice, an ethereal vessel that resonates with the celestial energies, capturing the very essence of the Northern Lights. The Cosmic Pearlescent Sound Chalice becomes a conduit for this elixir, unlocking the expansiveness of the Universe within you.

Included in the session:

  • This session is a personalized experience, tailored to your unique journey of self-discovery.
  • Ignite Your Cosmic Awakening: Step into a realm where reality transcends illusion and the veils of misconception are gracefully shed.
  • Unveil the Mysteries with Aurora Borealis Alchemy: as the celestial dance of lights guides you through a transformative journey, unlocking hidden truths and illuminating the alchemical essence of the cosmic mysteries.
  • You'll be guided to release the limitations and self-doubt that have kept you confined, leading to a profound sense of personal liberation.
  • The session culminates in an Aurora Veil Dissolution Attunement: Unveiling Your Cosmic Essence, a captivating experience where the mesmerizing dance of the Aurora Borealis serves as a cosmic catalyst dissolving veils of illusion and unveiling the radiant essence of their your true self.




Option 2:


~ Workshop Trilogy



  • Intention Call
  • Misconception Intuitive Readings for each workshop + Body Priming Sound Bath
  • 3 'Illuminating Beyond Illusion' 60 minute Live Workshops

Item #1


Illuminating Beyond Illusion
~ Workshop Trilogy


(3 - 60 minute Workshops ~ Value $515)


This transformative workshop trilogy is meticulously designed to shatter illusions, shed the veil of misconception and provide effective emotional relief. Throughout this journey of liberation, the integration of shattering illusions and shedding misconceptions serves as a powerful framework for emotional relief, allowing you to confront and release the emotional burdens that hinder your personal growth. This interconnected exploration empowers you to confront fears, navigate change and ultimately experience profound emotional relief and inner liberation, leading to a life aligned with authenticity, purpose and boundless opportunities.

Workshop #1 ~ Navigating the Maze of Emotional Illusions

  • Embark on a courageous journey into the heart of fear, where shadows cast illusions on your emotional landscape.
  • Unravel the web of illusions that distorts your perceptions.
  • identify the emotional triggers and belief systems that contribute to the illusionary nature of fear.

Workshop #2 ~ Navigating the Labyrinth of Perception

  • Transition from fear, moving into the realm of change with a newfound understanding of change as a natural aspect of personal evolution.
  • Harness the power of change as a force for positive transformation.
  • By embracing the ebb and flow of life, you gain a deeper understanding of your evolving self and the inherent potential within change.

Workshop #3 ~ Navigating Beyond Constraints

  • The trilogy concludes with a liberating exploration, empowering you to break free from mental constraints and shed limiting beliefs.
  • Experience inner liberation & clarity
  • Shedding the layers of illusionary beliefs and open yourself to a realm of freedom where authenticity, purpose and boundless opportunities abound.

This workshop trilogy is tailor-made for you if you're ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, seeking to shatter limiting beliefs, shed the veil of misconception and navigate the intricacies of your inner landscape with courage and authenticity.

Whether you're facing personal challenges, seeking clarity in your relationships or aiming for professional growth, this workshop trilogy provides a unique opportunity to embrace profound change, cultivate resilience and unlock the limitless potential that resides within you.


Item #2


Orientation Call


(Value $78)


This live call will provide:

  • A sacred healing container will be created where you'll be placed in a beautiful orb on the Golden Grid of Grace, setting your intentions, which includes becoming whole, healthy and strong as we cover the layout structure of the Workshops.
  • Introduction to the "Instrument" of Sound and the various sacred sound healing instruments
  • Experience the magic of the Violet Flame, Aurora Borealis and other "Instruments" of Light supporting you

    Item #3


    Intuitive Readings +
    Body Priming Sound Bath


    (Value $220)


    Kari will activate her inner intuitive knowing as a Heart Awakening Master and you'll receive 3 readings, one for each of the #1 illusions impacting your energetic field: that's preventing this reunion with your authentic self prior to each workshop. The insights from your Intuitive Reading will greatly support you in the clearing of distortions taking place during the workshops.

    ~ Reading of the #1 Illusion around Fear

    ~ Reading of the #1 Illusion around Change

    ~ Reading of the #1 Illusion around Freedom

    Additionally, the Healing Orb previously created during the Intention Call will be infused with Light & Sound: a Priming Sound Bath will prepare your body to receive the higher vibrations coming in to support you with the Workshop trilogy.


    Item #4


    ~ Sonic Elixirs of Liberation


    (Value $175)


    3 audios enriched with the resonant tones of crystal singing bowls, offering a transformative auditory odyssey.

    • AUDIO #1: Sonic Elixir for Liberation of Fear

      The symphony begins with whispers evoking hidden fears, guided by the subtle vibrations of crystal bowls. A rhythmic heartbeat, complemented by the bowls' crystalline tones, grounds you in courage. This sonic elixir concludes with whispers of empowerment, the gentle hum of crystal bowls affirming your ability to navigate fear and emerge resilient.

    • AUDIO #2: Sonic Elixir for Liberation of Stress & Anxiety
    • Ambient tones intertwine with the pure, crystalline frequencies, fostering tranquility. This sonic elixir concludes with sublime silence, the lingering vibrations of crystal singing bowls leaving you in a state of heightened serenity.

    • AUDIO #3: Sonic Elixir for Liberation of Pain & Trauma
    • This sonic elixir begins with a symphony of empathy, guided by the subtle vibrations of singing bowls, acknowledging pain. A heartbeat of resilience is accompanied by the pure tones of crystal bowls, fostering strength. This sonic elixir concludes with a resonant frequency of empowerment, the lingering vibrations of crystal bowls echoing personal strength beyond the echoes of pain and trauma.


    Item #5

    Bonus ~ Confidence Booster Series 
    from Christel Hughes

    (Value $275)


    This trio of guided journey audios was created to support you coming into the Fullest expression of love, confidence and worthiness. These audios were created using NLP, Therapeutic Imagery and both inferential and literal suggestions that aid you in releasing old, stagnant emotions that have been in your body. It is powerful, as it accesses the Subconscious part of your mind (where your behavioral blueprint is) and guides your clearing process while listening and during sleep.

    • AUDIO #1: Self Love

      This Guided Journey supports the nurturing of your Spirit by boosting your levels of Love & Radiance. It's about you having an inner recognition of your value by being you regardless of the past.

    • AUDIO #2: Self Confidence

      This Guided Journey supports the nurturing of your Spirit by boosting your levels of Deep Knowing & Trusting. It's all about you feeling confident being you, regardless of the past, and living the Truth of You.

    • AUDIO #3: Self Worth

      This Guided Journey supports you recognizing your value at the level of Divinity. It increases your Divine connection, enhances your capacity to open and receive all of the abundance and prosperity that is rightfully yours.

Option 1



Unlocking the Cosmic Self ~ Aurora Alchemy Experience Private Session
(60 minute private healing session)

Illuminating Beyond Illusion
Workshop Trilogy

Intention Call

Intuitive Readings + Body Priming Sound Bath

Bonus: Sonic Elixirs of Liberation (bundle of 3)

Bonus: Confidence Booster Series from
Christel Hughes

Total Value




Option 2



Illuminating Beyond Illusion Workshop Trilogy
(3 - 60 minute Live workshops)

Intention Call

Intuitive Readings + Body Priming Sound Bath

Bonus: Sonic Elixirs of Liberation (bundle of 3)

Bonus: Confidence Booster Series from Christel Hughes

Total Value





We all allow our lower self to construct our own mental and emotional prisons, often unknowingly. These prisons are built from limiting beliefs, unfounded fears, societal conditioning and the weight of past traumas. They restrict our vision, stifle our personal growth and confine our true selves within invisible walls.

It's time to unlock your true potential and break free from the illusionary chains that have hindered your growth and happiness... break free from the self-made prisons that have held you captive and embrace a brighter, more authentic future.

The path to Liberation & Authentic Self-Discovery awaits!

"UNLOCK YOUR COSMIC ESSENCE" is for you if you find that you're:

  • Navigating through emotional complexities and seeking effective relief.
  • Ready to break free from limiting beliefs & patterns that hinder your growth.
  • Desiring to heal inner conflict and develop self-acceptance.
  • Determined to cultivate emotional resilience and enhance your well-being.
  • Resistant to embracing change and conquering fear.
  • Struggling to heal from past traumas.
  • Entangled in emotional turmoil, seeking effective relief from the weight of suffering.
  • Unfulfilled & yearning for a deeper sense of meaning & purpose in life.
  • Disconnected from yourself, others & the world due to past emotional neglect.
  • Striving for perfection as a way to gain approval & validation that might have been missing in childhood.
  • Carrying the burden of shame & guilt from past events or experiences affecting your self-worth.
  • Holding onto unresolved grief & sadness related to past losses that continue to affect your emotional state.
  • Experiencing a lack of trust in your intuition & inner wisdom due to past invalidation.


" I think all of you can hear in Kari's voice and how she carries that tone of the heart, that she is so dynamic in her precious nature, that she can really access those places within with such gentle hands and to allow for the vibrations of the music that she creates with the crystal bowls to enter so deeply into the places, way into the deep layers of the tissues where you have been in a chronic state of denial, denying yourself... When you were talking about the Guardians, my whole being lit up and I was transported and I could feel the vibration where you are going to be able to really take people to that next level. I'm just so very grateful Kari that we have you here. I don't know if everyone knows, but Kari is an Academy Master Teacher, she is someone who is on our team, I absolutely trust her and I would recommend doing this deeper work with her and she's also someone that I've entrusted with training how to work with Metatron's Cube. So, I know the power she has, don't let her gentle nature fool you. She really can get in there and go deep. "

Christel Hughes, Multi-sensory Intuitive and creator of Academy for the Soul, The online school for Intuitive Arts

" My Special Heart Awakening Session with Kari was simply magnificent! My Heart and my Whole Being are in such gratitude for the gift of healing and liberation that Kari has masterfully offered... Starting with her 'busting' a deeply unconscious thread of emotion that has been burdening me for years, and which I hadn't so far been able to even identify, let alone to reach to... Kari knew to spot it right away and cleared it all, in its full intensity ~ Such a relief! The Whole Heart Attunement then led to a Total Reclaiming of my Heart and my whole Being feels expanded, filled with Hope and Joy! The whole experience was incredibly profound and magical, totally unique and so very special! Thank you Kari, literally with ALL MY HEART! "

Sophie Bidard, Master Lightweaver and Emotions Master

" Kari holds a beautiful, loving space for transformation. She is a natural healer and when she works on me at distance, I can feel the energy move in my body and I know that change is taking place. I have been able to resolve several emotional issues with Kari and happily recommend her.

- Janette

" That was so beautiful! First time I've ever experienced anything like this. I could feel all of the tones and then tingles in my head when she played for me. Thank you so much! "

Stacey F.

" Wow! This was so beautiful, and so powerful! Feeling much lighter and delicious calmness.. Oh how grateful I am. Thank you "


" From the first time I ever heard crystal bowls with Kari, it's like my cells came alive - all these different sensations ~ tingling and heat and warmth and flow. It's a whole new physical sensation that you might be feeling for the first time ever. Thanks for bringing my body to life!"



Kari Kiazyk

Kari Kiazyk is a Heart Awakening Master with a special gift to connect with your heart's voice, illuminating the core issue that is not in alignment with your highest good and dissolving the discordant energies so you can awaken to your own magnificence.

She harnesses the energies and cosmic dance of the Aurora Borealis to aid you in fully reclaiming your heart's natural state of health and wholeness, so it's available to receive and transmit higher vibrations of love, light and joy... bringing your heart, your inner Sun, into its own luminous, rhythmic dance.

As a Reiki Master and Certified Intuitive Strategist through Academy for the Soul, Kari can help you to dissolve deeply held emotions holding you back or impacting you in some way that is not in your highest good.

Kari's passionate about utilizing energy to alchemize transformation towards brilliant, open-hearted living and radiating your Light of Truth.