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Break free from the cycle of emotional distress, physical tension & mental fatigue by aligning with the lunar cycles.

by Kari Kiazyk

Are you feeling out of sync & caught up in a constant battle against the currents of life, where every step forward feels like wading through thick mud? If you're experiencing physical pain, inflammation or fatigue, this is a sign that your connection with the Moon is disrupted & these are called Inner Rhythm Disruptors.

Inner Rhythm Disruptors interrupt the natural flow of your life, leaving you feeling frazzled, overwhelmed & out of sync with yourself and the world around you. From restless nights to endless distractions, the consequences can be profound, affecting your physical health, mental well-being, and overall quality of life.

However, amidst the chaos & dissonance, there exists a guiding light: the gentle, nurturing energy of the Moon. Just as the Moon influences the ebb and flow of the tides, it also holds the power to harmonize the rhythms of your inner world. By aligning with the lunar cycles, you can tap into a source of deep wisdom and intuition, guiding you back to a state of balance and alignment.

The energy of the Moon has the power to awaken dormant potential, to inspire profound insights, and to guide you towards your true purpose. It also serves as a gentle reminder that even in the midst of discord, there exists the potential for renewal, growth & transformation, offering a beacon of hope amidst life's turbulent currents.

Due to the exalted status of the Moon in my birth star, I have the ability to attune you to your own natural, subtle rhythm of nature which is your Moon Song.

It's time to break free from the cycle of emotional distress, physical tension & mental fatigue, reclaiming your peace, vitality & clarity of mind!

Option 1:


When you align your inner rhythm with the cycles of the Moon, you unlock a deeper connection to yourself and the universe, igniting a path of growth, healing, & awakening that will illuminate your life from within.

By tapping into the luminescence of the Moon, you'll begin to see subtle shifts occurring within you & around you. Old patterns will fall away, making room for new opportunities to emerge. Relationships will deepen, careers will flourish & a sense of profound peace and fulfillment will permeate every aspect of your being.

When I align you to the luminescence of the Moon, I will spark your unique Moon Song!



Symphonic Convergence Private Session


60 minute 1:1 Private Healing Session (Value $275)


Kari has a special relationship with the Moon because of her birth star, which gives her unique abilities to work with this lunar energy. With her connection to the Moon & the transcendent power of sound, Kari is able to bring about profound transformation in shifting these inner rhythm disruptors.

As the Moon is deeply connected to your emotional well-being, our focus will be directed towards your emotional body, using the vibrational frequencies of crystal bowls to dislodge & release trapped emotional energies within the body's energy field, alleviating emotional residue from past traumas. The sound vibrations trigger emotional release, allowing buried emotions tied to past painful events to surface. The vibrations reach deep into the subconscious, where many emotional wounds & beliefs are stored.


Included in the session:

This session is a personalized experience, tailored to your unique journey of self-discovery.

  • 🎶 Ignite Your Moon Song ~ Just as each phase of the Moon carries its own unique energy, you also possess a unique Moon Song waiting to be expressed. Unleash the transformative essence within by igniting your unique Moon Song, a guiding light that helps you navigate and transcend inner rhythm disruptors, paving the path to inner peace, healing, and radiant vitality.
  • Harmonize Inner Rhythm Disruptors: Identify & address dissonance or imbalances in your natural rhythm, which includes recognizing & releasing emotional blockages, limiting beliefs, or negative thought patterns that disrupt the flow of energy within the body & mind.
  • Sanctum of Stillness: Step into the "Sanctum of Stillness" and feel the chaotic whispers of the world fade away as you enter a realm of deep tranquility. This sacred space invites you to retreat from the noise of daily life and reconnect with the essence of your being in a state of profound stillness.
  • Align with Cosmic Rhythms: Harmonize your being with the natural rhythms of the universe and the cycles of the Moon. Embrace the ebb & flow of life with grace and acceptance, knowing that you are always supported & guided by the divine energies that surround you.
  • Embody Lunar Elevation: Embrace the fullness of your divine essence, embodying the qualities of love, wisdom & harmony amidst the celestial symphony of energies. Radiate your soul's light with confidence & grace, as you walk the path of lunar elevation & spiritual awakening.
  • Heart Resonance Realignment: The recalibration of your energetic signature to resonate with the frequency of the heart, facilitating the dissolution of blockages & limitations. This is a process of adjusting or fine-tuning your energetic frequency or vibration to a state that is more aligned with your highest potential, well-being & spiritual evolution.

Your Moon Song ~ Custom Composition Channelled by Kari

Immerse yourself in the harmonious vibrations of Your Moon Song, meticulously crafted using the specific resonant frequencies of crystal bowls. These celestial frequencies resonate with the Moon's energy, creating a profound resonance within your soul.

Your Moon Song will awaken dormant energies within you, gently guiding you back into your inner rhythm. Each note reverberates with the ancient wisdom of the Moon, offering a transformative journey of self-discovery & alignment.

The specific frequencies of Your Moon Song will transport you to a state of tranquility, where you'll be guided to release inner rhythm disruptors & find harmony within. Feel the gentle embrace of the Moon's nurturing energy as it envelops you in a cocoon of serenity and peace.

Your Moon Song elevates your spiritual practices to new heights, serving as a powerful tool to realign your inner rhythm & cosmic flow. Its soothing melody will deepen your connection with the cosmos, facilitating profound healing & expansion of consciousness.


Divine Trinity Activation:

The session culminates in a Divine Trinity Activation where you merge with the divine essence of your heart center, as you awaken & activate the sacred triangle of love, wisdom & harmony, illuminated by the enchanting radiance of the Moon. Experience the harmonious convergence of energies, radiating from the depths of your being.

The Sacred Heart Triangle serves as a conduit for divine energies, aligning you with your true essence & highest potential. By activating this sacred geometry within the heart, you experience a deep sense of connection to your soul's purpose & the universal flow of love, wisdom & harmony.


Discover the Power of Symphonic Convergence:

In this transcendent experience, you'll witness the harmonious interplay of the Violet Flame, Moonlight & Heartlight as they weave together in a symphony of healing & renewal.

🔥 Harness the transformative power of the Violet Flame to transmute old wounds & release stagnant energies, clearing the path for profound healing and growth.

🌕 Surrender to the intuitive guidance of the Moon, allowing its gentle light to illuminate the depths of your soul and reveal hidden truths.

💖 Open your heart to the boundless love and compassion that resides within, nurturing a deep sense of connection and unity with all of creation.


As you bask in the symphonic convergence of these divine energies, you can expect to:

~ Experience profound shifts in consciousness, awakening to the fullness of your being and the infinite possibilities that lie within.

~ Release the underlying causes associated with pain, inflammation & fatigue, enabling you to embrace a new paradigm of healing, vitality & well-being.

~ Cultivate a deep sense of peace, harmony & alignment with the rhythms of the cosmos, empowering you to live a life of purpose and passion.


Everything in Option 2 below is included in Option 1


Option 2:


It's been revealed to Kari that it's essential to clear the muck & sludge in the 1st & 2nd chakras to pave the way for profound healing & transformation. This is because of the foundational role these energy centers play in your overall well-being. By addressing the inner rhythm disruptors in these 2 chakras, you open yourself up to receive & integrate higher frequencies of awareness & perception, facilitating a deeper sense of alignment with your true inner rhythm.




Pain Relief Rhythm & Rejuvenation Workshop


~ Release Your Inner Rhythm Disruptors & Build Your Foundation for Renewed Strength


(Live Group Workshop ~ Value $175)


Are you ready to release physical pain, inflammation & physical & emotional fatigue?

This workshop offers a transformative journey that not only focuses on Revitalizing Your Root & Sacral Energies but also facilitates profound healing & alignment across all energy centers, fostering a harmonious flow of vitality, creativity, and balance throughout your entire being.

Laying a strong foundation of stability & creativity within the root & sacral chakras, facilitates alignment with nature & the higher dimensions of consciousness, so you can experience a deep sense of alignment and be in a state of ease & flow.


~ Detect & Transform the underlying causes of your primary Inner Rhythm Disruptors:

1. Pain disrupts the body's natural flow of vitality, hindering movement & impeding the ability to fully engage in life's experiences, leading to a sense of restriction & diminished well-being.

2. Inflammation acts as an internal disruptor, disturbing the body's delicate balance & triggering a cascade of physiological responses that compromise overall health, vitality & resilience.

3. Fatigue disrupts the body's internal rhythms, draining energy reserves & hindering the ability to function optimally, resulting in a pervasive sense of weariness & diminished quality of life.


Specifically in this workshop, you'll experience:

  • Rhythmic Discord Transcendance ~ Deep Clearing & Release. This is a process of transcending the disharmony & dissonance that arises within your life, allowing you to move beyond the challenges & obstacles that disrupt your natural rhythm & flow. You'll release the patterns of imbalance preventing you from aligning with your true essence.
  • Chakra Portal Activation: One of the most profound aspects of the Chakra Portals is their capacity for healing & empowerment. By accessing the deeper layers of your subconscious mind through these portals, you'll uncover & release pain, inflammation & fatigue that have been holding you back. As you clear away the debris of the past, you'll create space for new growth & expansion, allowing you to step into your full power & potential with confidence & clarity.
  • Unlock Hidden Potentials: Tap into the untapped reservoirs of your inner potential as you activate and align your chakra portals. Experience a surge of creativity, intuition & personal power as you awaken dormant energies that have been dormant within you.
  • Healing Moonlight: Experience the gentle yet powerful healing energy of the Moon as it facilitates emotional release & inner transformation.
  • Vibrant Aura Awakening:Through the awakening of the aura's vibrancy, you'll deepen your connection to the earth's grounding energy, facilitating a more profound rejuvenation of your foundational chakras. Guided by the healing energy of the Moon, this process facilitates release & energetic alignment, promoting well-being & inner harmony.




Intuitive Reading +
Energetic Clearing Sound Bath


Email & MP3 (Value $125)


Kari will activate her inner intuitive knowing as a Heart Awakening Master and you'll receive a reading that will provide insight into the #1 inner rhythm disruptor that's hindering you coming into alignment with your natural rhythm. The insights from your Intuitive Reading will greatly support you in the clearing of discordance taking place during the workshop.

You'll also receive an MP3, infused with the healing energies of the Moon , designed to tune & align your energy centers. As you listen & absorb the harmonious sounds of the crystal bowls, your energetic system becomes attuned & receptive, creating an optimal state for receiving & integrating the higher vibrational energies that will be coming in during the workshop. This priming process enhances your ability to connect deeply with the transformative energies present, facilitating a more profound & impactful experience during the workshop.



Lunar Elevation Guided Journey with the Crystal Bowls


Unlock celestial energies on a transformative journey through meticulously crafted lunar resonant sound.


Downloadable MP3 (Value: $75)


Lunar Elevation serves as a powerful tool to awaken your connection to the cosmos & unlock your inner potential. Through this transformative journey, you'll discover the profound influence of lunar energies on your life and learn to harness them for personal growth & healing. Whether you seek clarity, emotional balance, or spiritual enlightenment, Lunar Elevation offers a pathway to greater self-awareness and empowerment.

Benefits of Lunar Elevation:

  • Harmonizes Body and Spirit: Immerse yourself in the soothing melody of the crystal bowls, as it gently synchronizes your body & spirit with the tranquil energies of the Moon.
  • Deepens Inner Alignment: Experience a profound sense of inner alignment as you connect with the nurturing vibrations of the Moon, guiding you towards a state of harmony with your true self and inner rhythm.
  • Enhances Emotional Balance: Allow the gentle resonance to envelop you in a cocoon of serenity, promoting emotional equilibrium & inner peace amidst life's fluctuations.
  • Inspires Creativity & Intuition: Tap into the creative flow & intuitive wisdom that arises from aligning with the Moon's energies, fostering inspiration & clarity of vision.
  • Supports Inner Healing: Embrace the healing essence of the Moon's gentle energies, as it nurtures your soul & facilitates the release of inner blockages, allowing for profound healing & transformation.
  • Guides Alignment with Natural Rhythms: Journey inward to rediscover your innate rhythm & align with the natural cycles of life, supported by the gentle guidance of the Moon's nurturing energies within the song.

Option 1

Symphonic Convergence Private Session



Symphonic Convergence Private Session (60 minutes) featuring:

~ Your Moon Song

~ Divine Trinity Activation

~ Pain Relief Rhythm & Rejuvenation Workshop

~ Intuitive Reading & Energetic Clearing Sound Bath

~ Bonus: Lunar Elevation Guided Journey with Crystal Bowls

Total Value




Option 2

Pain Relief Rhythm & Rejuvenation Workshop


~ Pain Relief Rhythm & Rejuvenation Workshop

~ Intuitive Reading & Energetic Clearing Sound Bath

~ Bonus: Lunar Elevation Guided Journey with Crystal Bowls

Total Value





  • Feel trapped in a cycle of discomfort, battling with persistent pain that limits your mobility and enjoyment of life;
  • Struggle with chronic fatigue, feeling constantly overwhelmed & lacking the energy to fully engage in daily activities;
  • Experience the relentless burden of inflammation, hindering your body's ability to function optimally and leaving you feeling drained & depleted;
  • Struggle with sleep disruptions or restlessness;
  • Feel overwhelmed, constantly struggling to keep up with the fast-paced demands of life;


" I think all of you can hear in Kari's voice and how she carries that tone of the heart, that she is so dynamic in her precious nature, that she can really access those places within with such gentle hands and to allow for the vibrations of the music that she creates with the crystal bowls to enter so deeply into the places, way into the deep layers of the tissues where you have been in a chronic state of denial, denying yourself... When you were talking about the Guardians, my whole being lit up and I was transported and I could feel the vibration where you are going to be able to really take people to that next level. I'm just so very grateful Kari that we have you here. I don't know if everyone knows, but Kari is an Academy Master Teacher, she is someone who is on our team, I absolutely trust her and I would recommend doing this deeper work with her and she's also someone that I've entrusted with training how to work with Metatron's Cube. So, I know the power she has, don't let her gentle nature fool you. She really can get in there and go deep. "

Christel Hughes, Multi-sensory Intuitive and creator of Academy for the Soul, The online school for Intuitive Arts

" My Special Heart Awakening Session with Kari was simply magnificent! My Heart and my Whole Being are in such gratitude for the gift of healing and liberation that Kari has masterfully offered... Starting with her 'busting' a deeply unconscious thread of emotion that has been burdening me for years, and which I hadn't so far been able to even identify, let alone to reach to... Kari knew to spot it right away and cleared it all, in its full intensity ~ Such a relief! The Whole Heart Attunement then led to a Total Reclaiming of my Heart and my whole Being feels expanded, filled with Hope and Joy! The whole experience was incredibly profound and magical, totally unique and so very special! Thank you Kari, literally with ALL MY HEART! "

Sophie Bidard, Master Lightweaver and Emotions Master

" Kari holds a beautiful, loving space for transformation. She is a natural healer and when she works on me at distance, I can feel the energy move in my body and I know that change is taking place. I have been able to resolve several emotional issues with Kari and happily recommend her.

- Janette

" From the first time I ever heard crystal bowls with Kari, it's like my cells came alive - all these different sensations ~ tingling and heat and warmth and flow. It's a whole new physical sensation that you might be feeling for the first time ever. Thanks for bringing my body to life!"



Kari Kiazyk

Kari Kiazyk is a Heart Awakening Master with a special gift to connect with your heart's voice, illuminating the core issue that is not in alignment with your highest good and dissolving the discordant energies so you can awaken to your own magnificence.

She harnesses the energies and cosmic dance of the Aurora Borealis to aid you in fully reclaiming your heart's natural state of health and wholeness, so it's available to receive and transmit higher vibrations of love, light and joy... bringing your heart, your inner Sun, into its own luminous, rhythmic dance.

As a Reiki Master and Certified Intuitive Strategist through Academy for the Soul, Kari can help you to dissolve deeply held emotions holding you back or impacting you in some way that is not in your highest good.

Kari's passionate about utilizing energy to alchemize transformation towards brilliant, open-hearted living and radiating your Light of Truth.