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Reclaiming & Rewiring your Nervous System

by Michelle Holling-Brooks

Special Bonus Expires Friday, January 5th at Midnight PT!

We’re ALL innately wired as Empathic Beings & Highly Sensitive Beings with Soul blueprints designed to allow us to sense, hear, feel, see, and/or know what another Being is feeling, thinking, and experiencing.

However, as we awaken & start to bring forward more & more of our multidimensional beingness, many of us are getting ensnared & bound up with current & past survival & trauma adaptations. We personally & collectively had to create those to just survive our own trauma & the collective past ages of scarcity, dominance & control, and shadow tribalism...

Our empathic wiring is held hostage to old ways of being that once served however, now are creating deep suffering, abuse, and disempowerment within our own system.

Common symptoms of entanglements & ensnared Empaths include:

  • Emotionally & Mentally:

    ~ Feeling like you’re walking through the world without skin, deeply impacted by the emotions & physic free radicals around you.

    ~ Your nervous system can be hijacked and you have NO idea how, when, and why it happened or how to “feel” like you again.

    ~ Having sudden emotional mood swings that don't make any sense and feel like you have 5 new personalities warring inside you!

  • Physically this looks like:

  • ~ Chronic fatigue,

    ~ Chronic digestion problems,

    ~ Immune system issues,

    ~ A multitude of chronic inflammations & “moving” pains and ailments

  • Spiritually

  • ~ “Accidentally reading” other Beings without even knowing it + Allowing others to read you without your permission.

    ~ Feeling like a porous open channel at any time, leaving you feeling used, drained & disempowered.

It’s time to re-evolve your Empathic System back to your amazing Soul’s wiring, freeing yourself from the burdens of the past & reclaiming your Empathic Gifts & your True Self!

As you heal & rewire your system, you’ll find a deep inner sense of

  • Peace,
  • Self-Worth,
  • Sacred Remembrance of the Truth of your wiring & WHY you can live with it online + active.

You’ll open up your system to naturally rewiring to match your true Soul's essence, nature, skills, talents, & power!

As an Empath, your ideal wiring has Clean Compassion & the Grace of Discernment. This way you can identify what's yours vs what belongs to others (like originally designed to do in your divine blueprint).

Liberate yourself from Shadow Survival & Trauma Entanglements within your Empathic Wiring!

Switch from feeling disempowered & cursed by your Empathic nature

~ to unlocking the Amazing Gifts & Healing Abilities that you hold… for yourself & others!

Option 1:


Intuitive Reading Package



~ Personalized Intuitive Reading

~ 3 Live Group Coaching/Healing Calls

~ 3 Sacred Wisdom Teaching Modules

~ Shamanic Fire Ceremony Guided Journey

~ 4 Bonuses

Item #1


Personalized Intuitive Reading:
What Core Block is holding your system in cross-wiring?


Personalized individual reading - Downloadable MP3 (Value: $125)


Michelle will sit remotely in meditation & open a channel to your Wise One Self & Team to ask for clarity on the different shadow empathic aspects/personas ready to be healed.

You’ll receive an audio recording to discover personalized areas that your team is wanting to bring to your attention to be healed in addition to what you uncover during your personal guided journeys & reflection exercises given during the course.

Power of the Group - We’re a collective being. Where two or more gather the energy is amplified and you can gain a deeper comprehensive reading. I record the personalized individual readings in small group batches.

Each member of the small group that Michelle brings together carries with it a powerful in-depth reading of common themes that your team would like to bring to your attention ~ in addition to your own personal reading!

You can then bring the sacred information that comes forward along with YOUR Sacred Remembrance you gained during your own guided Journeys in the course + into the different rewiring & healing sessions you’ll experience throughout the course.

Everything in Option 2 below is also included in Option 1.


Option 2:


Live Workshops & Online Healing Course



~ 3 Live Group Coaching/Healing Calls

~ 3 Sacred Wisdom Teaching Modules

~ Shamanic Fire Ceremony Guided Journey

~ 4 Bonuses

During this Healing Course, Michelle leads you through the different stages & levels of healing you need: rewire & reclaim the main parts of your nervous & energetic systems so they can now run in a way that supports you (as opposed to overwhelming and overriding your natural rhythms).

You’ll be guided & supported to work on the programming of:

  • Your mirror neurons & networks
  • Your interpersonal networks
  • The boundary system of your aura, which will be individualized.

For optimal support to your healing, 3 live group calls are included, in addition to pre-recorded video teachings & guided healing meditations.

Reclaim your nervous system & be free from being hijacked by the nervous systems that are around you!

Own your power & rewire your energetic systems so that they belong to YOU!

Item #1


Evolving Your Empath:
Group Rewiring & Healing Sessions


3 x 90 min Live Workshops (Value $255)


During the LIVE group coaching & healing session you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Ask Michelle any questions you have about the course teachings covered in each module;
  • Request a short mini-check in on how you’re doing with the guided healing meditations from that module;
  • Support your bodies - physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually- with additional Group Healing Rewiring meditations to support your empathic pathways with healing and evolving themselves to match your current needs.

Can't make it live? No worries, all the healings take place in the container of Reiki Energy that is not bound by space & time + You can send your questions & reading requests in advance. Michelle will cover as many of the requests & questions as possible during the time allotted.

Item #2


Understanding & Evolving the Empath Masterclass


3 Video Modules & Sacred Wisdom Teaching Classes (Value $450)


3 prerecorded masterclasses designed to help guide you through your sacred journey of exploring:

  • Understand Your Empathic Network & Wiring

  • ~ Discover the different main types of Empaths

    ~ Explore & identify your main empathic nature & gifts

    ~ Guided healings to begin to cleanse, clear, and reclaim your pathways from the burden of other's trapped energy that doesn't belong to you.

  • Explore & identify how your wiring is currently functioning & the reasons WHY it feels it must run that way

  • ~ Identify the main belief systems and experienced that shaped how your current empathic pathways are running

    ~ Identify the current blocks to WHY your system is holding on to these belief systems as a way to help you survive or protect you.

    ~ Guided healings to help upgrade and shift the different parts and personas that believe they are protecting you into supporting you in a new healthy way.

    ~ Upgrading and Rewiring - No more energetic shoplifting

  • Integrate & explore the next steps of HOW to support yourself as you continue to deepen your journey evolved Empathic Wiring

  • ~ Gain different tips & ways to continue to help your system maintain the new wiring

    ~ Discover the next steps you can continue to take to help continue reclaiming AND expanding your wiring as an Empath.

    ~ Guided Healings to help you reconnect & upgrade your clairsentience pathways to match your new willingness to work with your empathic pathways in the Light!

In addition to the Wisdom Video Lessons, each Module includes:

  • Guided Healing Activations

  • Prepare your body for a deep release of any limiting beliefs, stories, identifications, and anchors that interfere with your own soul's innate wiring from running in the light so that you can have greater ease and expansion as we move into the LIVE Group Rewiring & Healing Sessions.

  • PDF course workbook

  • Exercises to deepen & expand the material & guided journey of the masterclasses.

Item #3


Shamanic Fire Ceremony Guided Journey


Downloadable MP3 (Value $75)


Release a Core Wound, Block, Attitude, and/or Belief System that is holding you hostage in your own body and system.

Guided Shamanic Journey with the support of your Wise One Self, Soul's Guardian & Soul's Record Keeper.

Tap into the power of self-revelation, self-journeying, and self-knowing: when you claim & activate our OWN Wise One Inner Healer, it’s actually the most profound healing energy anyone can channel!

During this Shamanic Journey, Michelle is your guide to create a beautiful channel & connection for you to commune with your Wise One Self & Team and release a core wound, block, attitude, or belief system that’s been holding your system hostage and is ready to be released.

Michelle prompts your own intuitive senses to be clear & in alignment with the highest good and benefit for all; then opens a Reiki Channel of Healing Light to support you throughout the Journey.

On the Shamanic Journey, Michelle guides you to walk with your team to a Sacred Fire Circle that is willing to help you fully transmute & transform the wound or block from your whole body being: physically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually.

Add this MP3 guided journey to your tool box of healing meditations & utilize it at any future time that you feel guided to ask for help in releasing that which no longer serves.

Item #4


Amplify your Healing Journey!


BONUS materials (Value $300)

  • Pre-Workshop Preparation: 5 Supportive Ways You Can Optimize Deep Healing Work Video (Value: $75)
  • So often we just don't know how or what we can do to support ourselves on our own to really help prepare our systems before a healing session, attend to ourselves during the session, and also how to create a sacred container that allows our systems the room to process and continue to integrate fully after a deep healing session.

    During this recording, Michelle walks you through the top 5 practices you can do to help support your system in preparing for, receiving, and holding the new energy patterns and rewiring that can come forward from a deep healing session.

    You'll get tips for all aspects of self - physical, emotion, mental, and spiritually. This is a must listen before your one-on-one session with me - it will make a huge difference in helping you attain your desired outcomes and sustain the results long-term.

  • Heart Chakra Balancing & Grounding MP3 (Value: $75)
  • Many people don't realize that our heart chakra is linked to the chakras on the bottom of our feet. If our feet chakras feel that it is not safe or wise to connect into and "ground" into our lives, then our heart chakra remains stifled and unable to open fully.

    During the meditation, Michelle opens a Reiki Channel of Light to support recalibrating & opening your heart chakra to feel safe to ground into the present moment.

  • Art of the You Turn - Video (Value: $75)
  • Have you ever found yourself triggered in the middle of a conversation with a person and about to launch yourself into acting or saying things that you know are not in alignment with how you truly are?

    In those moments wouldn't it be amazing to have a simple tool you can quickly use to help you understand, perceive, and shift your systems so that you stay in your power and match your actions with your values of how you want to show up in relationships and in life?

    During this video training, Michelle shares the art of the "You Turn." You will learn a great tool on how to track your own personas and master the "you" turn in real-time so that you can keep your power when triggered and quickly shift your energy to be in alignment with the true you.

  • Archetypes, Personas & Parts Video (Value: $75)
  • Discover how to work with different terms, forces, and energies so that you can feel confident in identifying and tracking which patterns you are working with and their different purposes.

    You'll also learn tips for the different ways you can work with each type. Knowing how to interact with each pattern allows you to really harness the power of each one of them within yourself and have a game plan for when you encounter them with others.


Option 1

Intuitive Reading Package


Personalized Intuitive Reading

3 Live Group Coaching/Healing Calls

3 Sacred Wisdom Teaching Modules

Shamanic Fire Ceremony Guided Journey

4 Bonuses

Special Bonus Expires Friday, January 5th at Midnight PT!

Total Value




Option 2

Live Workshops & Online Healing Course


3 Live Group Coaching/Healing Calls

3 Sacred Wisdom Teaching Modules

Shamanic Fire Ceremony Guided Journey

4 Bonuses

Special Bonus Expires Friday, January 5th at Midnight PT!

Total Value





This comprehensive package is for you if you want to:

  • Move forward into the joy, wonder, freedom and deep peace that comes with finally being able to feel at home in your own body and in attunement with your unique wiring!
  • Embrace, remember, and embody your full true Divine Self in a way that feels amazing!
  • Call forward illumination for that which your Soul is yearning for you to find and heal so that your system, your body, becomes just that again - yours!
  • Set yourself free from the hijacking effects most Empaths experience, such as:
  • ~ Your nervous system and energetic aura are running like a MASSIVE sponge. Your field sucks up the sensations (physically, emotionally, and mentally) from someone else's field and you end up carrying them around like a lead weighted balloon in your system. Imagine yourself as a super swiffer, gathering up the "dust and debris" from other people's field as you walk in and out of their field.

    ~ You leave home and head into work. Your shoulder didn't hurt at all. However, after your co-worker came and talked with you for a few minutes they randomly said, "Wow, that's crazy, my shoulder hurt all day and now all of a sudden it feels better!" Your co-worker leaves your office smiling, but then you notice that your shoulder suddenly feels horrible. Your little inner empathic pathways unconsciously absorbed their shoulder injury and took it on as yours.

    ~ Your back felt fine yesterday but really hurts today for no reason out of the blue. Then moments later your mom calls you. Once you start talking she shares that her back has been hurting for days and she doesn't know what to do. You try to help her problem solve how to support her back. She hangs up and after about 15 minutes or so the pain in your back starts to lessen.

    ~ You hop onto a work zoom call feeling fine, happy, and joyful! After about 10 minutes into a zoom meeting you are feeling like there are 6 different people inside of you. Your emotions are all over the place, you have a low level anxiety that you can't quite place, you even feel a rage in your body. You have no clue what is happening. All you know for sure is that you just want to run away, eat something that comforts you, and hope that in some way you can feel like you again.

  • Liberate yourself from the typical Empath struggles, such as:
  • ~ Easily overwhelmed in large groups and crowds

    ~ Accidentally absorbing the thoughts, feelings, sensations of another and running them as yours in your system - SUPER high Clairsentience pathways

    ~ Mood swings that are not based on your system

    ~ Magnetic attraction - your field naturally attracts people to it (good and bad)

    ~ Being highly sensitive, susceptible, and porous to the energy of the environment around you - this can include media, entertainment, and physical locations

    ~ Easily overwhelmed & over empathizing with the pain and struggle of others

    ~ Chronic illness and pain that is not able to be attributed to a pathogen or other medical sources.

    ~ Chronic fatigue and a sense of being drained

    ~ Addictive behaviors as a way to manage and numb all of the above

  • Embrace your Gifts as an Empath, such as:
  • ~ Innate ability to feel and BE connected to the whole,

    ~ Ability to release our ego attachments to separation and dualism - me and the other

    ~ Easily can access and connect with the feelings states of divine love and compassion that emanates from our soul and the soul of another.

    ~ Ability to access AMAZING and freeing sensations of complete union that we can experience while also in our own physical form.

    ~ Deep knowing, ability to understand, and natural truth seekers.

    ~ Ability to listen deeply and tend to the parts of ourselves and others that are often left unseen and isolated.

    ~ Innate healing abilities because we heal when we feel seen, felt, and heard - all things that an empaths field can do automatically for others - verbally and non-verbally.

    ~ Inner knowing and remembrance of the mystic and spiritual arts and ancient wisdoms

    ~ Able to connect to beings of all kinds - human, animals, plants, stones, and in other realms and dimensions.


"Michelle's an impeccable, one-of a kind master healer that gets straight to the point. I would trust her with any one of my clients"

~ Christel Hughes, Multi-sensory Intuitive and creator of Academy for the Soul, The online school for Intuitive Arts.

"Thank you so much for the message from you and spirit on the group healing call today!!! I was in tears. The message was so beautiful and perfect! I am planning to go back and transcribe it to keep the message close. The entire group call today was so healing and perfect in every way. Thank you again so very much for your multi-dimensional healing support.

With worlds upon worlds of love and gratitude to you and spirit"

~ Anna.

"First, I want to say what a pleasure it is to engage with your broad palette of skills and generosity. An absolute plus for anyone lucky enough to work with you. A truly Holistic Session.

I felt for myself through the session a lot of warmth and spaciousness from you, so I could spontaneously speak and not overthink whatever I was saying. I believe this contributes to keeping doors open with the editor outside of the room!

Taking time within the inquiry to offer actual healing and body scanning makes your work to be a fulsome Gift, I am so lucky to have received so much for myself and Medicine Cat.

I'm left feeling somehow refreshed, gracefully taken out of my concerns for a spell and fully nourished by your insightfulness support."

~ Roberta Sky.

"Working with Michelle is life affirming! "

~ M. Williams.

"Thank you again for that wonderful session yesterday. When I came out of my session, a friend had dropped a gift off for me. Inside a bag that had an elephant (my sign from a dear friend on the other side) printed on the outside, was a pewter Divine Mother statue, a necklace that was a sphere with a flower of life pattern and a musical chime on the inside. I was floored by the gifts, the Divine Mother, the sacred geometry, the musical aspect, the timing.

It felt like synchronistic validation of the information that had come through in our session.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!! I feel like a new person this morning."

~ R. V.

"My session with Michelle was amazing. Straight away she found the heart wall that I have been trying to release for years. In a matter of minutes, she was able to release it and ignite my heart flame. She is able to create a very supportive and safe space for you to let go & heal. I am so grateful for the time spent with her."

~ Veronica B.

" Working with Michelle Holling-Brooks is absolutely magical! Michelle's ability to connect with her clients allows for a fantastic healing session and transformational growth.

After two years of feeling emotionally exhausted, physically drained, and overwhelmed mentally, I was stuck! Michelle guided me to be able to release these blocks, helped me to align with my true self, and helped me to achieve my goals.

Michelle is remarkably gifted, compassionate and empowering as she shares clear wisdom and guidance. Anyone devoted to their soul healing, well-being journey, and or has a desire to step into their higher potential, should reach out to her.

I am forever grateful to Michelle and her guidance in doing the work!"

~ Kimberly A.


Michelle Holling-Brooks

Michelle Holling-Brooks, Author/Speaker, Multi-Sensory Intuitive Energy Healer and Spiritual Counselor, her unique approach to the healing and spiritual arts weaves together different modalities, trainings, and Soul Remembrance that she has gathered from her own healing journey and initiations plus over 20 years of working with full-time as a certified practitioner and teacher in the field of healing.

Michelle is inherently wired as a multidimensional healer and oracle channel. She uses her innate wiring to create a bridge between the dimensions for her clients to call forward their true Soul Remembrance.

With her guidance her clients are able to remember, restore, and embody their own Soul's gifts, knowingness, and essences. One of her great passions in life is supporting all beings claim, embody, and rock out their amazing life from their own "I AM Whole" state of beingness! She provides her clients with the sacred space to find the hope, healing, and growth they have been searching for igniting their own amazing beautiful Wise One Healer within.