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Then scroll down to discover Sara’s Special Offer!


~ Activating your Healing Mastery Skills through Initiation & Reiki Attunements

by Sara Cornell


Open your intuitive gates & Multi-dimensional healing abilities.
Awaken the Truth of your cells for maximum capacity to hold Light.
Discover a Healing modality to use on yourself, friends, family & clients.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to open your Multidimensional Healing abilities?... To be able to heal - not just yourself - but others? Do you KNOW that you're meant to be a healer, but unsure where to start? Would you like to uncover the magic of a healing modality to deeply heal & transform childhood wounds, past lives & ancestral traumas?

If you answered yes to these questions, this is for you!

You're being called to Awaken to the Truth of who you are. We all are, really. The Earth is going through a massive transformation & so are You! As more & more light streams into the planet, it's bringing to the surface old trauma & wounds, not only from childhood, but from past lives and ancestral lineages as well. So it's even more important for you to not only trust an energy practitioner to support you, but to be able to heal yourself.

Humans have never undergone a transformation like this before! The Divine is calling forth our Hero Healers & it's exciting!

You're being called to step into your Truth & share your Light like never before.

If you know that you're meant to assist with this transformation to heal yourself & others -- this Celestial Sol-Reiki program is the ideal place to start!

Reiki is the Universal Life Force energy that permeates All of Life and is harnessed for Healing & Transformation.

Celestial Sol-Reiki specifically brings in the power of Solar Codes & Starlight Energy, for ultimate transmutation & awakening of Soul-Truth.

Not only will you be attuned to a mighty Healing modality that you can use on yourself and others ~ you'll also open your Upper Chakras, as well as your Hand Chakras. allowing your potential talents to come online NOW! Celestial Sol-Reiki will also open your Intuitive Gates & intimately connect you to your Guides.

If you're reading this, you've lived many lifetimes as a Healer & you carry unique Key Codes in your DNA. When unlocked, your latent Healing abilities from past & other-dimensional lives come online... They're waiting for you to re-activate them, because the World needs your Healing Light, now more than ever!

Creator of Celestial Sol-Reiki & Master Truth Activator, Sara Cornell will lead you every step of the way...
Initiating you, assisting you in trusting your Intuition & opening up your Natural Healing Mastery Abilities,
igniting the Truth of your Soul!





1:1 Cosmic Soul Truth Algorithm Activation Session


~ Featuring Celestial Sol-Reiki


60 min. Private 1-on-1 Session (Value $330)


In utilizing the Celestial Sol-Reiki, Solar Codes + Starlight energy, Sara will use her innate capacity to recognize & transmute the energetic material that's blocking your Mastery skills from awakening -- those areas that are in Un-truth & preventing you from recognizing your value to embody your Truth, fully!

In this deep Healing Session:

  • We'll go deep into each of your main 7 chakras, specifically clearing the cords, hooks, walls & other blockages that your Higher Self brings up causing you to reject & disown your Truth.
  • We'll also heal up the rips & tears in your chakras preventing them from spinning & rotating at the proper speed for translation of your Truth algorithm, so we can bring Absolute Harmony. You'll come to trust your chakras to handle the high vibes you'll be channeling. These rips & tears are leaking your vital life force energy - with this clearing & healing, you'll feel lighter, freer & more in control of your energy.
  • We'll do a thorough Celestial Sol-Reiki healing of your cells that are in UN-truth... relieving you of hundreds of blockages, thousands of density spots & a multitude of many old traumas. According to Experts, there are over 200 cell types & trillions of cells in your body ~ We'll have all your cells vibrating and happy!
  • Utilizing Special Solar Codes & Starlight Energy, we'll awaken your dormant Key Codes (they're ready & waiting for you!)
  • Channeling Cosmic Calculations of your Soul (using a specific method), we'll Activate your Cosmic DNA & Truth Algorithm... For Truth & Light!
  • You'll gain support with the Amplification of your Attunements & erase symptoms to experience a smooth transition through your Mastery Skills Upgrade.

After healing up the Un-truth places in your body, with the Celestial Sol-Reiki, Solar Codes + Starlight Energy, you'll be on the path to not only activating the Master skills of your Soul ~ but accepting that you are the Embodiment of Divine Truth!

Having this session prior to your Celestial Sol-Reiki Attunement & Initiation Ceremony will significantly lessen the typical detoxification period & effects. We'll replace all of the old dense energy with your highest Truth & Light. You'll feel more balanced, at peace & in harmony.

You'll be totally prepared to receive your Attunement & Initiation Ceremony and delight in the flow of energy as well as the recollection & expansion of your masterful abilities!

You'll experience the Bliss of your own Soul Light
shining through your Body!!!






Celestial Sol-Reiki Attunement &
Initiation Ceremony
Level 1 & 2


90 min. Live Private Session (Value: $466)


With the completion of your Self-Study & Group Trainings, you're ready to receive your Celestial Sol-Reiki Attunement & Initiation:

  • A powerful DNA Activation, enlivening & empowering your specific DNA key codes to awaken & come online.
  • Your Attunement to Celestial Sol-Reiki will activate more of the truth of your Cosmic Soul Truth in your body, leaving you feeling absolutely blissful!
  • You'll experience a further opening of your Intuitive Gates & Clair Abilities (clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, ..)!

We’ll start by calling in our Highest Level Guides, Masters & Angels to this powerful Ceremony: This is one of the most transformational sessions you’ll have! You’ll be initiated into the spiritual energy of Reiki ~ the Reiki Symbols will be downloaded into your Energy Field. Attunement to Reiki I & II Symbols will be the first part of the Ceremony.

We will then go into our Healing Sanctuary in the Heart. Channeling my Ancestral Guide - we will create a Temple to the Sun in your Heart Space. You will be initiated as a Priest or Priestess to the Sun utilizing Special Solar Codes & Starlight Energy which will be brought into your field, initiating you, activating you, and enlivening your whole body & being! Adjustments will be made in your chakras and energetic pathways to allow for the ability to channel the healing energy. You will receive and meet 2 New Guides who will be working with you after you are initiated into these energies. You will then be attuned to the Celestial Sol Symbol.

This will be a powerful Spiritual Experience ~ It is the main part of the program!

As a result you'll:

  • Channel Celestial Sol-Reiki, for yourself, loved ones & as a Healing practitioner
  • Develop your Clairs & trust your Intuition with clarity, precision & confidence
  • Experience on-going development & growth of your Intuitive Abilities & Psychic Senses
  • Be empowered with Masterful Skills from your past + they'll keep revealing themselves & growing with your practice, over time
  • Meet two new Guides who will continue working with you as long as you choose
  • Deepen your relationship with your Higher Self, Guides, & Angels

Just by receiving the Attunement, your body and being will go through a process to release old densities and trauma. This will allow your body to hold more Light ~ more of the Truth of your Soul ~ leading to more Harmony & Balance in your day-to-day life.

PLUS: You'll receive your Certificate of completion to Celestial Sol-Reiki Level I & II upon completion of your Attunement.



Celestial Sol-Reiki
Level 1 & 2


Self-Study Training (Value $399)


Dive into these 12 easy-to-consume modules. This comprehensive training program is a combination of instructional Videos & PDFs for you to learn:

  • Seeing Auras & Energy. Sara will guide you through practices to assist with opening the third eye so you can "see" auras & the energetic field, so Magical!
  • Byossen Scanning to Scan Your Energy Field & Others' . This scanning practice is so helpful to determine where energy blockages are located!
  • BreathWork to Remove Blockages. This is a wonderful technique you can use to assist with removing different energetic blockages in the field.
  • How to clear harmful energy from Yourself & Others. No more feeling stuck or weighed down with heavy energy! There are many different types of blockages, you'll feel confident in identifying all of them!
  • Transform Harmful Energy from an Object. Objects can hold dense energy too!
  • Daily Practice for Grounding and Clearing your Energy. This is a game changer for managing your energy!
  • Send healing to the past and the future. Healing is not limited to the present moment! You can send healing to old trauma or to a big upcoming meeting!
  • Treat anxiety, depression, addiction & more. There's nothing that energy healing can't treat!
  • How to use energy to manifest. Reiki will amplify your manifestations!
  • How to Conduct an Energy Healing Session from Start to Finish. Feel confident in your Healing abilities!

And of course the foundational basics:

  • The History of Reiki & the Reiki Principles. Reiki is a spiritual practice which has 5 main principles to improve your daily life.
  • 3 Reiki Symbols. You'll be learning about the Power Symbol, the Emotional & Mental Healing Symbol, and the Long Distance Symbol.
  • 3 Pillars of Reiki. These techniques prepare you to give Reiki, increase the flow of Reiki energy, and help determine where a person needs Energy Healing.


Celestial Sol Reiki Level 1 & 2


4 Live Group Sessions (Value: $457)


1 LIVE Orientation Call plus replay (60 min) + replay - We will meet to go over the flow of the program. We will also set our intentions and place them on the Golden Grid of Grace. Together - we will light up the Heart Space creating a deep healing sanctuary that we will be returning to each week during the live group healing calls and the initiation ceremony.

~ 3 LIVE group Healing Calls (60 min) + replays - We’ll start these calls by grounding & centering your energy and calling in your highest level Guides, Masters & Angels. Sara will scan the group prior to the call to identify the number one healing blockage to your attunement. Sara will facilitate a healing & clearing of your energy, utilizing Celestial Sol-Reiki techniques for your experiential learning! We will be going deep into the Heart Space each week, working in our healing sanctuary, clearing personas that are blocking you and prepping your body and being for deep release and priming your cells for the attunement and initiation ceremony.



Celestial Light Assimilation Guided Journey


MP3 Audio Recording for Daily Use (Value: $57)


Guided Journey to listen to daily throughout the program. This will assist in the assimilation of Light & keep your Energetic Channels clear. This infused audio will assist you with keeping the energy moving & mitigate any detox effects, releasing and clearing residue or energetic debris, keeping your pathways open for holding more light. Ideally listen twice daily, morning and night for the duration of the program.

In this guided journey you'll:

  • Ground & Center your Energy
  • Connect with your Higher Self & Guides
  • Enjoy a soothing waterfall of Celestial Sol Light, washing away any blockages & energetic debris or residue
  • Feel cleansed & refreshed afterwards!

...while you go through the program. Ideally listening 2 x per day up through 21 days after your attunement.



Journey to the Temple of the Sun


MP3 Audio Recording for Daily Use (Value: $57)


Guided Journey to listen to following your Attunement and Initiation Ceremony. This will assist in anchoring in your new Sun Temple and your two new Guides. We’ll Journey to the Heart Space and tend to your Garden Bed that you have been cultivating throughout the program. We will then Journey to your Temple of the Sun, connecting with your two new guides, and guiding you through your daily practice.

In this guided journey you'll:

  • Ground & Center your Energy
  • Connect with your Higher Self & Guides
  • Journey to the Temple of the Heart for releasing of blockages and to water your garden and seed that will be planted during your Initiation.
  • Journey to the Temple of the Sun, connecting with your new guides and receiving healing and activations.
  • Feel more confident in your abilities! Practice your skills and intuition!

...After your Initiation, for at least 21 days following your Attunement and Initiation Ceremony - Ideally twice per day.


Option 1



~ 60 min 1:1 Cosmic Soul Truth Algorithm Private Activation Session

~ 90 min 1:1 Celestial Sol-Reiki Attunement & Initiation Ceremony Level 1 & 2 Session

~ 4 Live Group Sessions - 1 Orientation Call + 3 Live Group Healing Calls

~ Celestial Light Assimilation Guided Journey Audio (MP3)

~ Journey to the Temple of the Sun Audio (MP3)

~ BONUS: 3 Module Self-Study Training Connecting with your Guides

~ Eligibility to be Metatronic Reiki attuned by Christel Hughes, C.Ht.

Total Value




Option 2



~ 90 min 1:1 Celestial Sol-Reiki Attunement & Initiation Ceremony Level 1 & 2 Session

~ 4 Live Group Sessions - 1 Orientation Call + 3 Live Group Healing Calls

~ Celestial Light Assimilation Guided Journey Audio (MP3)

~ Journey to the Temple of the Sun Audio (MP3)

~ BONUS: 3 Module Self-Study Training Connecting with your Guides

~ Eligibility to be Metatronic Reiki attuned by Christel Hughes, C.Ht.

Total Value





Connecting with your Guides


3 Module Self-Study Training (Value $358)


3 modules combining Guided Journeys, Videos & PDFs for you to learn How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides:

  • Module 1: How to connect with your Higher Self
  • Module 2: How to connect with your Angels & Archangels ~ and call on them to set up your Energetic Container
  • Module 3: How to connect with your Wise One Team

No more being unsure! Your relationship with your Higher Self & Guides will be strengthened & keep growing stronger!


" Sara Cornell has the distinct marked heart of the Ancient Ones…her lineage strength is incomparable and she uses it with Grace for the good of her clients. On first witnessing Sara’s energy as a healer, I was in awe at the degree that the sacred geometry danced with her soul to create transformation. The healing results happen so effortlessly, within her session. As she channels the Solar Codes and Starlight essence it appears to be Angelic…a Celestial marriage of energies is flowing through her in brilliant light. I’ve consciously chosen Sara to be the Initiator of Reiki in preparation for my client’s getting attuned to Metatronic Reiki. Sara’s Celestial Sol-Reiki is a perfect match to complement the use of Metatron’s Cube, increase one's ability to open their Intuitive capacity, and be able to hold Light at a greater magnitude for longer to gain Multi-dimensional healing abilities. This is what’s needed to be a practitioner of Metatronic Reiki. I recommend Sara Cornell’s genius with all my heart. 💜 "

~ Christel Hughes, Creator of Metatronic Reiki, Academy for the Soul, Multi-dimensional Visionary and Multi-Sensory Intuitive.

" Taking Sara's Celestial Sol Reiki course was an amazing experience! I got to undertake her Cosmic Sol Truth healing and activation session which was probably the deepest and most beneficial energetic healing I've ever had. Being initiated into Celestial Sol Reiki was beautiful and having Sara as my teacher was very humbling. I felt really supported throughout the course, and Sara's authenticity and kindness always shone through. I absolutely recommend this course and look forward to joining the next offering she creates! "

~ Janette Melvin.

" On Friday, Sara Cornell attuned me to Celestial Sol-Reiki. It was such a powerful attunement and journey. I thoroughly enjoyed this amazing class. Sara provided a LOT of information - PDFs, videos, and gatherings in Instant Teleseminar. Well done Sara!!! Sara is such a kind and loving teacher. Her sweetness comes through her beautiful voice. She radiates pure love and healing energy. "

~ Patty MacKay.

" What an absolute delight in experiencing the Celestial Sol-Reiki process and will continue daily! Sara's soothing voice is honey for the soul! Lots of clearing and lots to gain, as your garden is planted expect a wonderful harvest!

Thank you Sara for your wisdom, compassion, and sharing your process as well!

In Deep Love and Gratitude "

~ Carolyn T🤗.

" Sara’s Celestial Sol-Reiki course was so grace-filled, I feel blessed to have participated in it. The purity of her healing is something quite rare and her attunements and initiation into Celestial Sol-Reiki were so beautiful and so very powerful. Her course is very comprehensive and each participant is held in a healing container of light both during the course and for the 21 days following their attunement. Sara is truly a gifted healer and teacher and I cannot recommend her highly enough. "

~ Anne B.

" Sara is a gifted healer and teacher. She is a lovely angelic soul with a lot of Power, always ready to assist you and help you in any way she can.

Her course is clear and easy to understand as she explains the foundation of Reiki and how to use it. The 3 group calls are very useful in helping you clear personas/blockages/traumas that would hinder you in developing the full Power of Reiki. I would definitely recommend here Celestial Reiki Course "

~ Carl A.

" Sara did an initial reading for me that was spot on, so I signed up for her program. It was so deep and thorough! I could always feel a wall around my heart, and that is how I knew I was in my heart space. She was able to remove those walls after years and years of having them in just 1 session, so much so that at first, I didn't know where my heart space was! I didn't know that an attunement was also an initiation, but now I can do Reiki since she also teaches in addition to just clearing us. She saw my higher dimensionality energies, and since our sessions, Sara helped me work through my blockages and doubts even more. I feel that I am on the path that is right for me. I highly recommend her program. "

~ Priti S.

" Many years ago I, Gloria Shaw added Reiki 1& 2 Master, to my credentials. However I felt like something was missing, After listening to Sara talk about her Sol Fire Reiki course and many ( do it ) divine nudges from the universe , I chose to sign up for Sol Fire Reiki.

Right from her first accurate, intuitive reading , I just knew this program was going to be in my highest and best interest and life changing for the better personally and professionally. However I did not expect to experience so much physical body issues. Lucky for me Sara offered support and Reiki Healing Love every time when I needed another perspective, another pair of Reiki Healing hands. This experience reminded me how much Healers need other Healers as well as just how important upgrading our training is needed. I am forever grateful Sara was an awesome teacher and Reiki Healer. I know moving forward I will be an improved human and an even better Healer, thanks to Sara and Sol Fire Reiki.I highly recommend Sara and her Sol Fire Reiki course. I am so grateful to have Sara in my circle. Sara holds a special place in my Heart. "

~ Gloria S.

" It has been such a privilege to work with Sara Cornell. I recently completed her Celestial Sol-Reiki level 1 and 2 training and I highly recommend it.The clearings, the expansions, the attunements and information Sara channeled through for our group and then for me personally, were deep, meaningful and powerful. She has a huge heart and her work is of a very high caliber and frequency. She is highly intuitive and works with some beautiful beings. I really enjoyed working with Sara in doing this training, and would highly recommend that you consider working with her in anything she offers. "

~ Abrianna T.

" Participating in Sara's Celestial Sol Reiki Program was an enlightening experience. The program offered more than just Reiki attunement; it included a deep energy clearing that enhanced the whole process. Sara's unique approach to attunement allowed for profound healing and alignment, unlike any other Reiki experience I've had. Each session was enlightening, revealing new insights about my spirit guides and higher beings supporting my journey. I left with a deeper understanding and stronger spiritual connections, making this program an invaluable experience for anyone seeking spiritual growth and deeper self-awareness. "

~ Amara J.

" I felt so comforted and safe during Sara's Cosmic Soul Truth Activation Session. . I was guided by her soothing and gentle voice and felt waves of purifying energy dissolve the density I was holding in my chakras and energy bodies. The download of the truth algorithm it was like I had a massive upgrade! I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, energized and there was a lightness in my step. Thank you Sara for your beautiful and powerful gift. "

~ Sophia S.

" Sara is clearly a deeply loving individual whose high vibrations, innocence and obvious healing destiny shine forth when one comes into contact and has the privilege of doing a healing session with her. She very accurately registers very significant elements of what is going on within one on a soul level and then commits to seeing one through the following stages in a Divinely-motherly kind of way. One feels held. I simply wanted everyone in my family to be able to have at least an introductory intuitive assessment with her as I felt it would surely unlock simple, deeply hidden information on a physical-emotional level currently baffling us all. I highly recommend healing work with Sara Cornell. quot;

~ Nadia R.

" I really enjoyed my session with Sara. I felt and intuited many of the same ideas and topics that she brought up which felt very validating. Many of the things she brought up and worked on rang true for me and my family history. I felt very clear after the session and look forward to seeing the results continue to unfold! I highly recommend Sara and her work! "

~ Corban Tomlinson

" Sara discovered patterns with my parents from several lifetimes ago which were no longer serving me. After she cleared it, I found it easier to make different choices. My mom even asked me about something that happened during my teenage years. I am going back through events and am reclaiming my power of choice. "

~ Priti Shah

" Sara is amazing! She's very talented, enlightened, genuine and supportive. I feel a true connection with her and know she cares about my well being. Her sessions are so powerful, I've noticed positive shifts in myself afterwards. I feel so lucky and grateful to have found her! "

~ Traci Wade

" Profound. On ALL levels.

I had a private session with Sara utilizing her unique Cosmic Soul Truth Integration process. I am still tingling from the effects of my experience in becoming more aligned, in true harmony within my being on multiple levels. Sara is a true multi-dimensional intuitive and has a profound ability to accurately read where I was out of alignment. She subsequently effectively facilitated a process that had me coming to my soul source home in such a way that I could palpably recognize the difference within my being. A lasting difference. Prior to our session I thought I was in great harmony to begin with. Sara was drawn to an area within my core essence that I hadn't shared with anyone but had been working on for years. These issues she "discovered" which my being called forth to be addressed and aligned were a mixture of current physical issues and energies relating to multiple past experiences, including all the things I had been working on for years as a student and a practitioner. Led by Sara's skillful guidance, she helped me receive clarity behind how all these seemingly disparate issues were all connected as far as my soul evolution is concerned, and then facilitated her unique process in such a way that I truly am in a greater capacity even more grander than I previously thought was possible. With Sara, you will certainly lighten up to even higher levels.

A delightful bonus of my session with Sara is that while I'm "lit up" I have discovered that my office where I spent a lot of time is also taking on the same vibrational "lit up" sensation as well.

I can only imagine how much better my clients will experience sessions with me, after undergoing this amazing process with Sara. "

~ HS

" I have had the pleasure of working with Sara for several years. Sara's sessions are beyond amazing and beautiful. I left the session feeling lighter, and cleared, and with a more higher understanding, and with so much more clarity. Her intuitive work is spot on as well. Spot on. She encompasses many styles of energy healing into her sessions.

I would say her style is unique, mind blowing, highly effective, and very WHOLE. Sara transformed her background in a traditional clinical therapy setting, and has created this technique that is very multidimensional and powerful in a myriad of ways - with a traditional therapeutic variable that I think is brilliant. This is going to help so many people!

Sara has also taken classes from me, and quickly became one of my most advanced students because of her gifts and very much because of her passion, and dedication. I have worked alongside Sara aS well, and I will truly say, what an honor! "

~ Leah

" Sara has a wonderfully soothing voice that quickly takes you deep into a calm and relaxed state of being. You feel fully held and supported. She gently guides you towards connecting fully into your heart where your healing transformation can occur. Through her intuitive abilities she paces you perfectly and takes you on a powerful but gentle journey of connecting back into yourself .

I definitely recommend her. "

~ Catherine

" Sara is a true flame, an activator and a cell-sweeper. Her astral ceremony and energy clearings have changed my life in pivotal ways. She listens with full presence, she responds with deep integrity and love, and she can tap into whatever dimension is needed to solve the situation - a talented Tranceworker! She works with and harnesses the agency of benevolent, higher beings on your behalf; a practiced witch wise to the Old Ways. Her sessions create ripples of shift that cascades out in waves for months and more. She brings light into the deepest parts of you and Sees with you what you could not see before. She is like a warm, gentle blanket there. She is a natural Gatekeeper of the Akashic realms and she orchestrates energy like a symphony. A true Seeress in the most traditional sense, and a brilliant, soft soothing light. I don't know where I'd be without her guidance. "

~ Astara

" I have worked with Sara several times. She always holds a safe and loving space and has helped me clear some deep issues with her intuitive guidance. As a healer she brings a potent energy that I can feel in my body and she does the best guided journeys! I have no hesitation in recommending Sara to help you along your path. "

~ Jan

" Sara's intuitive approach to spiritual guidance is a fresh breeze of energy uplifting everything she comes in contact with. "

~ Ernie

" Sara is amazing. Reiki had me feeling a little skeptical at first, but I am so glad I gave it a shot. I can confidently say it has made a positive impact on mine and my fiance's life. Sara not only listens, but she successfully knows how to clear any negative energies through reiki... you can just feel it. She truly amazes me, and the difference I feel after a session with her is astounding. I can leave sessions with Sara feeling no tension, no head noise, but instead I just feel peace and calm. She has a true talent- and anyone I have recommended to her absolutely loves her too. Thank you Sara for everything you've done for me! "

~ Kelly

" Hello Sara, I just listened to your meditation, so beautifully done, Thank You!!! Felt expansive and lots of Light. So Lovely!!! "

~ Patty

" Sara is very genuine and caring towards her patients. She made me feel very comfortable during my session. She really knows her stuff and performs her sessions with such grace and confidence. Will continue using her for my reiki sessions! "

~ Becca

" Sara began sessions with my daughter Nova last year. I can easily say that she got more breakthroughs with Nova, and helped her more in the first week, than her previous therapist had in 3 years! Nova is in such a better place now, and I know that has a lot to do with Sara's help, I am so very grateful! "

~ Leah re: Nova


Sara Cornell

Sara Cornell, Sara, with the guidance of her Ancestor, is the Creator of Celestial Sol-Reiki & acts as a Master Truth Activator. With an authentic, heart-centered approach, she blends her background as a clinical therapist with energy work. As a Cosmic Soul Truth Activation Specialist, she’s an expert in identifying blockages in the body that create disharmony & disconnection from Highest Truth.

Sara’s passionate about helping you heal & embody your Soul Truth. She’s committed to aiding you in the dissolution of blockages in the human body to activate Cosmic Soul Truth for your increased internal harmony & connection.

This combined with her expertise as a Reiki Master, Certified Intuitive Strategist with Academy for the Soul, and Certified Akashic Trance Worker enables Sara to assist you in trusting your Intuition & opening up… your Natural Healing Master Abilities… igniting the Truth of your Soul!

After experiencing a healing crisis, Sara awakened spiritually & spent several years going through a deep healing & transformational process. She overcame a tremendous amount of childhood trauma, physical health challenges & emotional pain which give her additional ‘real world’ qualifications to gently guide you to attaining your Soulful goals.