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Sojourn of Remembrance Invoking the 12 Cosmic Deities

by Sophia Simos

YOU'RE ON THE PRECIPICE OF BLOOMING INTO A SEEDING AGENT OF LIGHT, emanating your unique essence into the world. However, there’s a misconception urging you to ‘make things happen’ through striving, competing, forcing, controlling, demanding and excessive Doing!

I’ve seen this as a tremendous genealogical and societal groove that reveals itself in the mental body and energy field -- I’ve come to call it the ‘Doing Disharmony’ behavioral pattern that runs rampant through your psyche.

The pursuit of constant Doing and the disharmonious force behind that massive thought form energy cloud, distorts and disconnects you from your profound truth.

Amidst the overwhelming sea of conflicting information & allure of seeking your truth -externally- there's a tendency to betray your Soul’s Authenticity, hindering the path to a Truly Flourishing Life.

Yet, the realm of ceaseless 'Doing' has its limits, exacting a toll on your well-being, manifesting as mental, emotional, and physical conflicts.

This ‘Doing Disharmony’ brings you to a crucial juncture in your journey, where an inner calling beckons you to return to your heart. Your inner voice whispers a reminder that you hold untapped potential for abundant success without compromising your authenticity.

Now’s the time ~ Shed the inclination to abandon your heart's calling! No more suppressing your inherent worth & the power of your unique gifts.

Embrace this shift, open the gateway! Access the Pink Heart Chakra, aligning with your Exquisite Essence ~ The distinctive values & virtues of your Soul.

The Pink Heart Chakra Expansion is a deeply Magical solution, to liberate yourself from the cycle of self-abandonment (neglecting your own authenticity because you feel you have to seek your truth outside of you) & step into soft-Soul empowered Expansion.

Option 1:





~ Pink Bloom Brilliance Session (1-1 private coaching session)

~ Pink Bloom Initiations: Releasing Inauthentic Residue (12 live group call series: 12 High Vibrational Initiations)

~ Pink Bloom Coronation: Imprinting Impeccable Beauty (1 final live group call)

Item #1


Pink Bloom Brilliance Session


(75 minute 1:1 Private Coaching Call ~ Value $220)


Sophia’s bewitching abilities as a clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and claircognizant gently unmask the inauthentic residue which hinders your inherent blossoming beauty and Authentic Expression.

The Pink Bloom Brilliance Session is crafted to eradicate the Doing Disharmony patterns that breed confusion— ceaselessly searching for clarity and confidence from external sources, and dispel fantasy illusions that divert you from genuine validation and worthiness, ultimately preventing alignment into soft-Soul empowered Expansion.

Her expertise resides in the alchemical grace of her healing hands—an extension of the divine, gently cradling your heart and skillfully engaging in the delicate processes of Symphonic Softening - to re-pattern, re-parent, re-construct, and recalibrate the sacred geometry of the Pink Heart Chakra. This tender care allows your sovereign splendor to gracefully unfurl.

Sophia serves as a cosmic conduit of light frequencies to flow through, allowing your heart to be enveloped in a vibrant tapestry of multi-colored rays. This exquisite experience promotes cellular regeneration and harmoniously resonates with the vastness of your heart’s frequency field.

You will receive the loving support and guidance of Sophia's spiritual guides ~ The Seven Sisters, Elohim Consciousness, and the Cosmic Colors of Love Collective ~ enhancing the depth & spiritual insight of your Metamorphosis.

Experience An Enchanting Enhancement of the Pink Heart Chakra:

  • Guided by Sophia, you'll enter a hypnotic harmonizing frequency, adapting to an unexplored dimensional resonance.
  • Embark on a guided visualization, transcending to the threshold of the 12-Petaled Pink Heart Chakra, where you unite and merge with your constant companions—your Higher Presence and Guardian Angel.
  • In this heightened state of awareness, Sophia will invoke an alluring incantation, prompting a specific colored petal to emerge for its beckoning beautification.
  • Once revealed, the petal grants permission for us to enter its sacred consciousness - allowing for a mammoth metamorphosis to occur.
  • The Cosmic Colors of Love Collective, luminous beings overseeing the petal's consciousness, will manifest, allowing merging with their impenetrable light-field and journey into the petal's seclusive inner sanctum.
  • Within the depths of the Petal's zero point, experience a Symphonic Softening— a vibrant tapestry of multi-colored cosmic rays potently dissolving Repressive Residue that masks your Authentic Expression.
  • Utilizing the Cosmic Creation Codes of Elohim frequencies, we’ll awaken the dormant Cosmic Deity within this petal-your true inner essence-ready and patiently awaiting bloom into spectacular sovereign splendor.
  • Liberation from generational patterns impeding the petal's perfection and heart's expansion will unfold - with this cellular clearing & healing you will experience lightness, freedom and bountifulness.
  • Upon completion, the Cosmic Colors of Love Collective will convey a message of unwavering love and you’ll gain an integral support network for your personal and spiritual evolution-enhancing inner peace, harmony and compassion.

After targeting the Inauthentic Expression through the Cosmic Creation Codes of 49th Dimensional Elohim frequency, you will activate the radiant Vibrational Virtues of your awakened Cosmic Deity-fully embracing your blossoming sovereign splendor.

Sophia’s gift as a Prolific Petal Perfector will result in the transformation of outdated and false beliefs into vibrant and alluring expressions of personal prosperity and sovereignty.

You’ll experience a newfound sense of sensuality and succulence, reclaiming your own sense of independence embracing your true brimming beauty.

Item #2


Pink Bloom Initiations: Releasing Inauthentic Residue


(12 x 60 minute group calls: 12 High Vibrational Initiations
~ Value $2200)


Embark on the enchanting 12-initiation group experience designed to unlock the gateway to access the 12-Petaled Pink Heart Chakra.

The sacred geometry & hidden symbolism of the Pink Heart Chakra serves as a foundational structure for activating your Exquisite Essence ~ the distinctive values & virtues of your soul.

Guided by Sophia's gentle yet powerful grace, each week you will softly unfurl a delicate petal, representing a dormant Cosmic Deity - an archetypal facet of your being.

By harnessing the alchemy of imagery, meditation and visualization, you’ll experience a unique series of entrancing transmissions.

In this illuminating journey, you'll shed all traces of generational inauthenticity that hinder your embrace of the true self, liberating yourself from the cycle of forsaking authenticity in pursuit of external validation. Instead, you'll gracefully transition into a state of soft-Soul empowered expansion, guided gently from within.

Unlocking and seamlessly integrating all disharmony, we embark on a sacred dance of harmony, peace, and unity. This path will elevate our highest expression, akin to a blooming rose graciously imparting its aromatic essence and burgeoning splendor upon the world.

The 12-Cosmic Deities of the Pink Heart Chakra Initiations:

  • 1st Petal Initiation:
    Blue Cosmic Deity of Divine Will + Courage + Power
    Cosmic Essence - Leadership + Innovation + Pioneer
  • 2nd Petal Initiation:
    Yellow Cosmic Deity of Divine Wisdom + Enlightenment + Omniscience
    Cosmic Essence - Illumination + Guide + Teacher
  • 3rd Petal Initiation:
    Pink Cosmic Deity of Divine Love + Transfiguration
    Cosmic Essence - Genius + Strategist + Skillful Communicator
  • 4th Petal Initiation:
    White Cosmic Deity of Divine Purity + Harmony + Beauty
    Cosmic Essence - Artistic + Creative Imagination + Transformer
  • 5th Petal Initiation:
    Emerald Cosmic Deity of Divine Truth + Healing + Science
    Cosmic Essence - Investigator + Decoder + Healer.
  • 6th Petal Initiation:
    Ruby Gold Cosmic Deity of Divine Peace + Service + Devotion
    Cosmic Essence - Visionary + Devotional Advocate + Luminary
  • 7th Petal Initiation:
    Violet Cosmic Deity of Divine Freedom + Transmutation + Ceremonial Magic
    Cosmic Essence - Manifestor + Magician + Ceremonialist
  • 8th Petal Initiation:
    Aquamarine Cosmic Deity of Divine Perception + Clarity
    Cosmic Essence - Perceptor + Illuminator
  • 9th Petal Initiation:
    Magenta Cosmic Deity of Divine Joy + Harmony + Attraction
    Cosmic Essence - Harmonizer + Magnetizer
  • 10th Petal Initiation:
    Gold Cosmic Deity of Divine Integration + Peace + Prosperity + Opulence
    Cosmic Essence - Orchestrator + Luminary
  • 11th Petal Initiation:
    Peach Pink Cosmic Deity of Divine Equilibrium + Purpose + Service
    Cosmic Essence - Guardian + Ambassador
  • 12th Petal Initiation:
    Opalescent Cosmic Deity of Divine Unity + Transformation + Omnipresence
    Cosmic Essence - Transformer + Unifier


  • Softly release inauthentic residue, gracefully liberating yourself from the generational cycle of self-abandonment.
  • Awaken your Exquisite Essence, unveiling the distinctive values and virtues of your soul.
  • Step into a dance of sacred harmony, peace, and unity, imprinting these qualities onto every energetic level of your being.
  • Cultivate a nurturing and nourishing relationship with your heart, encouraging it to unfold and trust in you.
  • Trust in the natural unfolding of life, free from the burden of ceaseless 'Doing'.
  • Guide decisions through your heart's frequency field, facilitating seamless, creative, joyful, and passionate co-creation.
  • Embrace divine maternal qualities—compassion, kindness, gentleness, and unwavering love—becoming a guiding light through life's challenges.
  • Partake in enchanting and entrancing vibrational transmissions, meticulously crafted for profound inner inquiry and healing.
  • Attain a higher divine perspective across every facet of life, from health and relationships to finances, creativity, and vocation.
  • Master the art of re-patterning, re-parenting, and integrating disharmonious emotions and thought patterns for inner peace and bliss.
  • Nurture healthier, balanced relationships, fostering harmonious and nurturing environments both personally and professionally.
  • Feel a heightened sense of awareness and connection with your body, cultivating increased appreciation and a profound sense of self-love.
  • Surrender to divine timing and orchestration, trusting the graceful evolution toward fifth-dimensional pure love, enriched with newfound inspiration and wisdom.
  • Receive unwavering support and unconditional love from Sophia's guides—the Seven Sisters, Elohim Consciousness, and the Cosmic Colors of Love Collective.

Item #3


Pink Bloom Coronation: Imprinting Impeccable Beauty


(60 minute Live Group Call ~ Value $330)


During this final session, each petal spectacularly unfurls, resulting in the magnificent full bloom of the Pink Heart Chakra.

The 12 Cosmic Deities work in perfect unison to infuse each petal with vibrational virtues that reverberate throughout your entire being, to radiate your Exquisite Essence & Brilliant Beauty.


  • Unite all 12 Cosmic Deities into perfect harmony, equilibrium and wholeness.
  • Illuminate the light of your immaculate design and radiate your full spectrum of potential, both spiritually and in daily life.
  • Embody the sacred cosmic gifts of your truest essence, cultivating a greater sense of self-expression and authenticity.
  • Communicate your truths more confidently & authentically, with newfound clarity & inner harmony.
  • Connect to the Cosmos and beyond, fostering a sense of connection and oneness with the universe.

Option 2:





~ Pink Bloom Brilliance Session (1-1 private coaching session)

Item #1


Pink Bloom Brilliance Session


(75 minute 1:1 Private Coaching Call ~ Value $220)


Sophia’s bewitching abilities as a clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and claircognizant gently unmask the inauthentic residue which hinders your inherent blossoming beauty and Authentic Expression.

The Pink Bloom Brilliance Session is crafted to eradicate the Doing Disharmony patterns that breed confusion— ceaselessly searching for clarity and confidence from external sources, and dispel fantasy illusions that divert you from genuine validation and worthiness, ultimately preventing alignment into soft-Soul empowered Expansion.

Her expertise resides in the alchemical grace of her healing hands—an extension of the divine, gently cradling your heart and skillfully engaging in the delicate processes of Symphonic Softening - to re-pattern, re-parent, re-construct, and recalibrate the sacred geometry of the Pink Heart Chakra. This tender care allows your sovereign splendor to gracefully unfurl.

Sophia serves as a cosmic conduit of light frequencies to flow through, allowing your heart to be enveloped in a vibrant tapestry of multi-colored rays. This exquisite experience promotes cellular regeneration and harmoniously resonates with the vastness of your heart’s frequency field.

You will receive the loving support and guidance of Sophia's spiritual guides ~ The Seven Sisters, Elohim Consciousness, and the Cosmic Colors of Love Collective ~ enhancing the depth & spiritual insight of your Metamorphosis.

Experience An Enchanting Enhancement of the Pink Heart Chakra:

  • Guided by Sophia, you'll enter a hypnotic harmonizing frequency, adapting to an unexplored dimensional resonance.
  • Embark on a guided visualization, transcending to the threshold of the 12-Petaled Pink Heart Chakra, where you unite and merge with your constant companions—your Higher Presence and Guardian Angel.
  • In this heightened state of awareness, Sophia will invoke an alluring incantation, prompting a specific colored petal to emerge for its beckoning beautification.
  • Once revealed, the petal grants permission for us to enter its sacred consciousness - allowing for a mammoth metamorphosis to occur.
  • The Cosmic Colors of Love Collective, luminous beings overseeing the petal's consciousness, will manifest, allowing merging with their impenetrable light-field and journey into the petal's seclusive inner sanctum.
  • Within the depths of the Petal's zero point, experience a Symphonic Softening— a vibrant tapestry of multi-colored cosmic rays potently dissolving Repressive Residue that masks your Authentic Expression.
  • Utilizing the Cosmic Creation Codes of Elohim frequencies, we’ll awaken the dormant Cosmic Deity within this petal-your true inner essence-ready and patiently awaiting bloom into spectacular sovereign splendor.
  • Liberation from generational patterns impeding the petal's perfection and heart's expansion will unfold - with this cellular clearing & healing you will experience lightness, freedom and bountifulness.
  • Upon completion, the Cosmic Colors of Love Collective will convey a message of unwavering love and you’ll gain an integral support network for your personal and spiritual evolution-enhancing inner peace, harmony and compassion.

After targeting the Inauthentic Expression through the Cosmic Creation Codes of 49th Dimensional Elohim frequency, you will activate the radiant Vibrational Virtues of your awakened Cosmic Deity-fully embracing your blossoming sovereign splendor.

Sophia’s gift as a Prolific Petal Perfector will result in the transformation of outdated and false beliefs into vibrant and alluring expressions of personal prosperity and sovereignty.

You’ll experience a newfound sense of sensuality and succulence, reclaiming your own sense of independence embracing your true brimming beauty.


Option 1



Pink Bloom Brilliance Session (1-1 private coaching session)

Pink Bloom Initiations: Releasing Inauthentic Residue (12 live group call series: 12 High Vibrational Initiations)

Pink Bloom Coronation: Imprinting Impeccable Beauty (1 final live group call)

Total Value




Option 2



Pink Bloom Brilliance Session (1-1 private coaching session)

Total Value





This profound journey of Pink Heart Chakra Expansion is for you if you:

  • Feel trapped in the "hamster wheel" of never ending healing that is so typical of the 4D phase;
  • Want to reclaim LOST parts of yourself that you have been disconnected with, due to your lack of presence in your Heart;
  • Have been abandoning yourself, thinking you were separate from Source;
  • Are addicted to healing, perfection, doing, control.....
  • "Doing" leaves you feeling awful, angry, agitated, anxious....
  • Have shut yourself down from FEELING;
  • Are being harsh to yourself, and may have done so for a long time;
  • Are trapped in the 3rd Dimension of Separation ~ experiencing struggle, suffering, chaos in your reality;
  • Have no inner compass, lacking the reliable guidance of your Heart for navigating your life journey;
  • Have little-to-no trust in yourself;
  • Your Inner Masculine & Feminine are in disbalance & disharmony, creating disbalance & disharmony in your emotional, mental & even physical bodies ~ as well as in your creations & manifestations;
  • Your Heart craves for softening, kindness, compassion ~ for yourself in the first place!
  • Are depleted of Self-Love, Self-Worth & Self-Acceptance...
  • Live by these mottos: ‘no pain, no gain’, ‘nothing worth having comes easy’, ‘work hard, play hard’;
  • Jump mindlessly & impulsively into the next new course, diet, fitness program a distraction to find your truth & feel worthy, validated & relevant ~ leading to unfulfillment;
  • Are experiencing dis-ease & dis-harmony in your physical body;
  • Are feeling self-judgmental & self-critical - not making time to exercise love for yourself;
  • Find it easier blaming others for your dull & mundane life instead of taking responsibility for your own life;
  • Feel drained, emptied, frayed because you are over-giving, over-extending your generous efforts & placing others’ happiness before yours;
  • Struggling in relationship patterns that constantly triggers heightened emotions such as anger, resentment, frustration, sadness, guilt, jealousy, suspicion...
  • Struggle to find your voice to express your Authenticity confidently.

It's time to bring Pure Love back to your Heart & into all your relationships, starting with Yourself!



"Her confidence and compassion are a perfect combination to take you deep into your heart and deepen your partnership and connection with it.

I've had a profound shift since working with her, feeling lighter, brighter and more in tune with my heart. Our hearts do so much for us... treat yours to this beautiful gift."

~ Kathleen Kelly, USA.


"I love her authenticity, presence, deep sense of connection with her Guides

and the way she guided me deeply within. It was a powerful heart opening, healing session that continued to integrate long after the actual session. Her intuitive insights are uncanny in their accuracy and she is truly gifted in the healing work that she does. She created such a gentle loving container for me in which I felt deeply seen, held and safe. My heart is forever grateful and I know we will be doing more."

~ Nicola Lipscombe, South Australia.


"I feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to participate in a Soul Integration Session with Sophia.

With her gentle guidance and insightful questioning, she ‘held space’ and facilitated an experience that was deeply transformative. It was a beautiful journey and the release and expansion had a profound and lasting effect on my heart."

~ Karen Masterson, Canada.


"Her gentle and loving nature provides a supportive and safe place for introspection. She artfully explores and identifies personas ready to be released, which supported my personal growth, expansion and transformation."

~ Amy Schmeling, USA.


"Her confidence and compassion are a perfect combination to take you deep inShe lovingly guided me to reach deep places to release layers of past hurts, patterns and blocks.She quickly identified and directed the healing energy to areas affecting me from both my current life and my ancestral lineage, and created new and aligned timelines. She is very generous with using her intuitive gifts, and her connection to the Angels, both hers and mine was simply beautiful."

~ Sandy Pierce, USA.


"I found the Cosmic Heart Healing with Sophia to be a deeply meditative and peaceful process, where Sophia powerfully held the space for us both to come into an interactive experience together where the various factors that were affecting my heart energy were revealed.

Sophia was able to 'see a crater in my energetic heart and identify the origin of this. We were able to release the energy of other people associated with this, including a Healing of my Ancestral Line, and reclaim all my own energy, thereby bringing me back into my own Power.

Sophia has a very calm manner which easily enabled my own cleansing and centering, and the whole experience felt very Pure. She helped me to see that the time was right to let go of some of the issues I had been struggling with, and the result of this was that I felt an instant manifestation of lightness and peace."

~ Brenda, UK.


"Meeting Sophia has literally changed my life. Over a few Heart Integration sessions Sophia helped me to integrate the parts of my Soul I haven’t even known were split. She guided me all the way through the experience as I was new to this healing concept and she helped me to discover the patterns that were running huge parts of my life and were blocking me from reaching and living my full potential. Sophia helped me to heal the trauma caused by the loss of a loved one and open my heart again. The most amazing thing? The healing is instant and its results don’t wear off. It’s been weeks since our first session and I see all the benefits. The second session lifted the heaviness off my chest that was suffocating me for years. I can’t wait what our next session will bring!

On top of the benefits and healing those sessions bring, Sophia is a delightful Human Being and it is such a pleasure to be helped and guided by her. She’s gentle, very intuitive and has your greatest good at heart! If you think about booking the session with Sophia, I only have one piece of advice – stop thinking about it, and just do it – you’ll thank yourself later!”"

~ Magdalena Jarworska, UK.


Sophia Simos

Sophia Simos, lovingly recognized as the Cosmic Queen of Hearts, is an illuminator in the realm of cosmic heart mastery. With a magical touch, she embarks on a divine mission to empower sensitive truth-seekers, guiding them through a transformative journey back to the sanctuary of their hearts. Through the alchemy of embracing inner beauty and unlocking potent potential, those under Sophia's guidance become catalysts for heartfelt, authentic, and soul-centered creations.

A Certified Intuitive Strategist with the Academy For The Soul, Sophia seamlessly blends the mystical and the practical. Drawing on over 12 years of training in ancient and modern energy-based practices, she carries the mantle of a Certified Qigong Facilitator and Energy Medicine Guide. These profound foundations lay the groundwork for Sophia's unique gift—an ability to unlock the heart's mystical and magical powers.

As a radiant channel for Angelic and Elohim Consciousness, Sophia infuses cosmic wisdom into earthly existence. The visionary behind the captivating Petals of Perfection Path, she has personally walked this transformative journey, offering each seeker a pathway to ascend into the fifth dimension and beyond.

Her transformative work inspires a collective shift towards heart-centered living. Sophia's leadership paves the way for a new paradigm, where the heart is the compass, and every step of the journey is a celebration of one's authentic expression.