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Freedom from the shadows of Unworthiness, Enslavement & Self-Loathing
To restore the full radiance of your Light: Bright, Potent & Divine!

by Sophie Bidard

Are you feeling trapped in endless emotional & mental loops & patterns of behavior?

While you may have done significant healing & clearing work in the past, there seems to be no way out... And you may find yourself confronted with unresolved issues, limitations, wounds & obstructions... These need to be addressed now in a radical way, so you can move forward & inspire others, being a driving force of the New Dimensional Earth!

Fully embracing, embodying & expressing your Inner Light requires the deep, systematic healing of the core shadows of Unworthiness, Enslavement & Self-Loathing.

These are extremely deep & dark shadows that are rarely, if ever, addressed in their fullness ~ leaving you filled with highly toxic, disempowering, even self-destructive emotions & belief systems which keep pulling you down & backward. If only traces of them are present within your energy system, it will have the effect of canceling the good work you keep doing on yourself; while you're attempting to heal, move forward, liberate yourself from shadow, it keeps bringing you down into never ending spirals of self-blame & despair...

Join INNER LIGHT LIBERATION for an epic journey of Healing & Liberation from the core shadows dimming your Light!

With the thorough & systematic protocol of Clearing Karmic Entanglements, you'll focus, in a radically liberating way, on the core shadows detrimental to the full radiance of your Light: Bright, Potent & Divine!

You'll release the karmic entanglements that keep you in loops & patterns of Unworthiness, Enslavement, Self-Loathing.

Presenting themselves as a cobweb, these karmic entanglements may be experienced as entrapment in a web of wires, even barbed wires piercing into your Being, or rubber bands pulling you back into loops from which there seems to be no way out...

Holding in place the cobweb of karmic entanglements are bundles of strings anchored in your aura where they create pressure, congestion, attachments, limitations & ever-more wounding ~ extending into your past timelines (personal & genealogical) where they are rooted with knots. Those were created by fractures from your Divine Self, leading to wounding experiences of separation between your Higher Self & your Human Self...

Only by uprooting them at EACH point of origin, on all 3 lines of your past lives, maternal & paternal lineages, can you liberate yourself from the toxic grasp of those shadows ~ and finally step into Your Divine Magnificence!

As a result of the radical clearing of the karmic entanglements, you'll naturally embrace & express your radiant, magnificent Inner Light!

It's time to disentangle the Core Shadow Synergy formed by the trio of Unworthiness, Enslavement, Self-Loathing: these are deeply interconnected, triggering & catalyzing one-another...Let's fully activate your Synergy of Light with Empowerment, Sovereignty & Divine Self-Love!

Option 1:


Inner Light Liberation
private session package



  • Crystalline Karmic Liberation private session with Sophie
    Focusing on 1 shadow of your choice (Unworthiness, Enslavement or Self-loathing)
  • Inner Light Liberation workshop trilogy
    Freedom from Karmic Entanglements of Unworthiness, Enslavement & Self-Loathing

Item #1


Crystalline Karmic Liberation Session


(1:1 Private Session ~ Value $255)


You'll choose to focus your session on one of the 3 core shadow entanglements: Unworthiness, Enslavement or Self-Loathing ~ Or you can ask Sophie to scan for you which of these is in your highest good to focus your session on.

In the safe, sacred space of your personal Crystalline Chamber of Light, Sophie will:

~ Call forth the highest, purest light of the Great Central Sun, for healing, dissolution & revelation.

~ Bring the Orb of Truth for revelation & recollection of the treasures of wisdom held at the roots of the karmic entanglements.

~ Guide & Support you to Clear the Karmic Entanglements, at all 4 levels, for a systematic & thorough clearing ~ in close collaboration with the Lipika, Scribes of Karma:

  • In your aura (relating to this current incarnation)
  • In your Past Timeline
  • In your Genealogical Maternal Line
  • In your Genealogical Paternal Line

In each of the 4 clearings:

  • Unique, precious Pearls of Wisdom are collected, empowering your evolution to operate at a new, higher level of your Self;
  • Fracture points are healed as the karmic lessons are retrieved.
  • Karmic knots are untied and the residual emotions, beliefs, patterns, and energies are completely cleared: returned to Nothingness
  • Entanglements of your wounds, that had so far prevented true and complete healing and liberation, are cleared
  • Awareness of the presence of the Divine within is restored, and natural power is reclaimed as the power of the Divine within!
  • Past sources of wounding (your past and that of your ancestors) are uprooted so that you really can be free to invite, receive, hold and emanate the Divine Presence in your liberated self.
  • Perceptions from old wound-based distortions and projections are freed
  • Your Blueprint of Divine Perception is restored and actualized
  • Upgrades to your perception from multiple dimensions and frequencies are made ~ your perception of the Divine within and all around you!

All of this sets you free to step out of whole paradigms of shadow. And be an agent of Divine Service, shining & modeling a Bright, Potent & Divine Light!

Prior to your session, you'll receive by email precise, detailed instructions on how to best prepare for your session, gaining in-depth awareness of the shadow you will have chosen to liberate yourself from ~ This will allow you to gain the deepest possible Liberation, in the smoothest possible way!

All items in Option 2 below are included in Option 1

Option 2:


Inner Light Liberation
workshop trilogy


With the thorough & systematic protocol of Clearing Karmic Entanglements, each workshop will focus in a radically liberating way on one core shadow detrimental to the full radiance of your Light: Bright, Potent & Divine!

The protocol for each workshop is that Sophie will:

  • Call forth the highest, purest light of the Great Central Sun, for healing, dissolution & revelation.
  • Bring the Orb of Truth for revelation & recollection of the treasures of wisdom held at the roots of the karmic entanglements
  • Clear the Karmic Entanglements, at all 4 levels, for a systematic & thorough clearing ~ with the Guidance & Support of the Lipika, Scribes of Karma:

~In your aura (relating to this current incarnation)

~In your Past Timeline

~In your Genealogical Maternal Line

~In your Genealogical Paternal Line

You'll release the karmic entanglements that keep you in loops and patterns of shadow.

In each of the 4 clearings:

  • Unique, precious Pearls of Wisdom are collected, empowering your evolution to operate at a new, higher level of your Self: magnificent, sovereign & empowered!
  • Fracture points are healed as the karmic lessons are retrieved
  • Karmic knots are untied & the residual emotions, beliefs, patterns and energies are completely cleared: returned to Nothingness
  • Entanglements of your wounds, that had so far prevented true & complete healing & liberation, are cleared
  • Awareness of the presence of the Divine within is restored, natural power is reclaimed as the power of the Divine within!
  • Past sources of wounding (your past & that of your ancestors) are uprooted so that you really can be free to invite, receive, hold & emanate the Divine Presence in your liberated self
  • Perceptions from old wound-based distortions and projections are freed
  • Your Blueprint of Divine Perception is restored & actualized
  • Upgrades to your perception from multiple dimensions & frequencies are made ~ your perception of the Divine within & all around you!

All of this sets you free to step out of the paradigm of shadow ~ and be an agent of Divine Service, shining your Light & modeling for others what is possible, inspiring them with their own Healing & Liberation.

Prior to each workshop, you'll receive by email precise, detailed instructions on how to best prepare for the clearing, gaining in-depth awareness of the shadow that will be liberated in that workshop ~ This will allow you to gain the deepest possible Liberation, in the smoothest possible way!


Item #1


Freedom from Karmic Entanglements of Unworthiness workshop


(1h30 deep clearing group call + replay ~ Value: $155)

In this intensive, profound & radically liberating workshop, we clear the karmic entanglements (according to the protocol described above) holding you trapped in feelings, beliefs, loops & patterns of unworthiness.

No one is immune to struggles with self-worth, self-esteem, and the loads of shame, blame, guilt and despair they come along with, possibly also anger to cover it all up!

Experienced in this lifetime in many forms, these are impacting so many aspects of your existence as you feel or believe yourself to be Unworthy of:

  • A person's time (being heard), understanding and attention
  • Being loved
  • True and deep everlasting healing
  • Receiving - even unworthy of giving
  • Creating, of the right to create and contribute ('who am I to.?')
  • Abundance, prosperity and the good things in life
  • Healthy, supportive, mutually caring and respectful relationships
  • Your own Power and Light
  • Intuitively knowing, feeling, seeing, hearing; unworthy of the Truth
  • Divine Grace & Love offered by every moment
  • Your gifts, talents and your Soul's purpose
  • The realization of your Dreams and most heartfelt desires...

They are rooted way-back in the past, in your past lives and in your genealogical heritage...

Trapped into self-perpetuating loops and patterns of unworthiness, you've lost the sense of your true value : the inherent, infinite value of your Divine, Sacred Self!

Only by uprooting them at EACH point of origin, on all 3 lines of your past lives, maternal and paternal lineages, can you liberate yourself from the toxic grasp of unworthiness ~ and finally step into Your Brilliance & Magnificence!

Healing your wounds of Unworthiness brings your life experience to a whole new level: your Brilliant Magnificence naturally emanates in every moment, as you walk the Radiant path of your Soul's Journey!

  • No more hiding or distortions of your Self
    Freedom to be your True Self, just as you've been divinely created!
  • No more spiritual disconnection
    Know & experience the Divine within and all around yourself
  • No more excuses, self-sabotage, stuckness and procrastination
    Be empowered to step forward and up with the projects, creations and initiatives that are dear to your Heart
  • No more shrinking yourself and your life
    Embrace & own your Gifts, Talents & rightful inheritance with Brilliance!
    Reclaim your ability to create, manifest, enjoy abundance & prosperity
  • No more emptiness and meaningless existence
    Step into your path of Highest Service
    Fulfill your Soul's Purpose in this incarnation
  • No more giving up on your Dream
    Recover the deep knowing that you CAN make your Dreams come true!
  • No more toxic codependent relationships
    Naturally establish and hold healthy boundaries
    Develop and enjoy meaningful, mutually nourishing and inspiring connections, interactions and relationships
  • No more being silenced, by yourself or others
    Reclaim your Right and Ability to express yourself & your views

Simply: No more unworthiness!

  • Perceive the Truth beyond the toxic, obsolete, collective misconception & delusion of unworthiness!
  • Be an inspiring role model for others!

It's time to step into Your Brilliance & Magnificence!


Item #2


Freedom from Karmic Entanglements of Enslavement workshop


(1h30 deep clearing group call + replay ~ Value: $155)

In this intensive, profound & radically liberating workshop, we clear the karmic entanglements (according to the protocol described above) holding you trapped in feelings, beliefs, loops & patterns of enslavement.


New Earth & Enslavement simply don't match vibrationally... So we need, each of us, to check within: where do we stand with Enslavement? Uncovering its unconscious, insidious presence and effects in the form of mind projections and even manifestations, that sustain the paradigm and keep holding us trapped...

Are you affected by enslavement...

  • by work: literally being a slave of your work, your employer, your duty?
  • by relationships: codependency, toxic attachment?
  • by identity: victimization based on who you are! How about old versions of yourself who won't let you go, won't let you grow? And versions that others hold of you and you feel obligated to play the role by their script?
  • by authority: submission, control, abuse?
  • by thoughts, beliefs, ideologies, whole paradigms: you don't like them, you don't want them and yet you just can't seem to really let go of them!
  • yes, this includes enslavement by Poverty Consciousness, Victim Consciousness, Separation Consciousness...

  • by emotions, others' and your very own, being addicted to drama!
  • by ill-health: disease and symptoms ruling you and your life?
  • by substance or behavior abuse, in short: addiction?
  • by TV, social media, news channels, the compulsive need to 'have the latest info'!
  • by others' agendas, holding you as a spider's prey in the cobweb of their manipulations?
  • by time & space, being ruled by the clock, being possessed by the past or obsessed by the future, being "chained" to places it seems you can't leave...
  • by your own woundedness: secondary gains and double binds keep you trapped in sickness and the need for care and never-ending healing...
  • by life, in general: has Life been happening TO you? Have you been at the mercy of forces greater than you?

Do you realize... How many brilliant opportunities, projects, romances, friendships, life adventures have you missed or dismissed, because you anticipated, expected enslavement?

Whereas in truth, it was nowhere to be found: this was all projections of your mind!

Get out of the trap of enslavement!

Reclaim your Sovereignty!

Healing your wounds of Enslavement brings your life experience to a whole new level: your Sovereignty naturally emanates in every moment, as you walk the Radiant path of your Soul's Journey!

  • No more hiding or distortions of your Self
    Freedom to be your True Self, just as you've been divinely created!
  • No more spiritual disconnection
    Know & experience the Divine within and all around yourself
  • No more excuses, self-sabotage, stuckness and procrastination
    Be empowered to step forward and up with the projects, creations and initiatives that are dear to your Heart
  • No more shrinking yourself and your life
    Embrace & own your Gifts, Talents & rightful inheritance with Brilliance!
    Reclaim your ability to create, manifest, enjoy abundance & prosperity
  • No more emptiness and meaningless existence
    Step into your path of Highest Service
    Fulfill your Soul's Purpose in this incarnation
  • No more giving up on your Dream
    Recover the deep knowing that you CAN make your Dreams come true!
  • No more toxic codependent relationships
    Naturally establish and hold healthy boundaries
    Develop and enjoy meaningful, mutually nourishing and inspiring connections, interactions and relationships
  • No more being silenced, by yourself or others
    Reclaim your Right and Ability to express yourself & your views

Simply: No more enslavement!

We are urged to claim ZERO-TOLERANCE for enslavement & do our share of Liberation ~ as we free ourselves at the deepest, most unconscious level, we take a firm stand for Humanity & send waves and waves of Liberation that ripple wide and far!

We contribute to the Liberation of All Humanity & support the Ascension in progress!


Item #3


Freedom from Karmic Entanglements of Self-Loathing workshop


(1h30 deep clearing group call + replay ~ Value: $155)

In this intensive, profound & radically liberating workshop, we clear the karmic entanglements (according to the protocol described above) holding you trapped in feelings, beliefs, loops & patterns of self-loathing.

Any presence of self-loathing, no matter how slight & faint it is, simply invalidates your attempts at Self-Love, to which it is lethal!

You may have already done so much healing & clearing and yet. You keep struggling with 'something within' that emanates a whole different vibration, and throws you once again into loops and downwards spirals of shame, self-blame, guilt and fear. deep hurt and sorrow. These indicate traces of self-loathing remaining consciously or unconsciously still present within you, lingering in your past, your early life, your past lives, & your ancestral inheritance.

Only by uprooting them at EACH point of origin, on all 3 lines of your past lives, maternal and paternal lineages, can you liberate yourself from the toxic grasp of self-loathing ~ and finally step into Your Brilliant Self-Love!

Step out of the whole paradigm of self-loathing ~ and be an agent of Divine Service: shining your Light, modeling Self-Love & Grace!

You'll naturally inspire others with their own Healing & Liberation: embracing & expressing their natural Self-Love, just as you did!

Option 3:


Pick & Choose 1 Workshop from the Trilogy


(1h30 workshop & Replay ~ Value: $155)


Your choice of 1 workshop Freedom Karmic Entanglements of

  • Unworthiness ~ Workshop A

  • or

  • Enslavement ~ Workshop B

  • or

  • Self-Loathing ~ Workshop C

(Each workshop is presented in detail in Option 2 above).

Option 1

Crystalline Karmic Liberation Session Package


~ Private 1:1 session
Focusing on 1 shadow of your choice (Unworthiness, Enslavement or Self-loathing)

~ Inner Light Liberation workshop trilogy
3 workshops, Freedom from Karmic Entanglements of Unworthiness, Enslavement, Self-Loathing

Total Value




Option 2

Inner Light Liberation workshop trilogy


~ 3 workshops: Freedom from Karmic Entanglements of Unworthiness, Enslavement, Self-Loathing

Total Value




Option 3

Pick & Choose your Workshop


~ 1 workshop of your choice: A - Freedom from Karmic Entanglements of Unworthiness
B - Freedom from Karmic Entanglements of Enslavement
C - Freedom from Karmic Entanglements of Self-Loathing

Total Value





 Your generosity is almost overwhelming, and the acute panic and terror that I've been feeling for several years, now feels smoothed out! Sophie, you are a kind and generous blessing, and your gift has already made such a difference in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, from my soul, and from my maternal and paternal lines!

~ K.S.

 Such a journey this was and is! Beyond words in expressing how gifted your offerings are and how richly these gifts have entered into my orb of being and in my living. You are ahead of so many in terms of bringing this to the light - there is much work to be done in these next critical years of more challenging change and evolution. The world is so fortunate to have you in it.

I have been given huge wealth of insights and tools that allows me to separate from a trauma-filled past, to disentangle from archetypal energy fields so as not to continue recycling this, and to bring more and more light into my heart space through such larger divine love that has always been there and is there still!  

~ Diane J.

 Sophie is a powerful, gifted healer. She is the one I go to, and have referred many others to, for deep transformational work. I recently had something come up and knew she was the one to help me. Sophie took the time before, during and after my session to check in and be totally present with what I was experiencing. She guided me through some deep, dark places that I wouldn't have allowed myself to go on my own, but that were necessary for the result I was looking for. Through her masterful help and presence on this journey, I was able to experience the healing I so desperately wanted. 

~ JoAnn M.

 Thank you, dear Sophie. What a powerful session ! The clearing of my maternal lineage was very intense. I can feel such a great relief now. I was able to feel all the untanglings going on during the entire session.Well done ! Many blessings to you,  

~ V.R.

 Thank You Sophie for all your love & purity you bring to all of us through all you do.

~ E.O.

 I did your workshop on karmic entanglements and it changed my life. So grateful to you for your service!!! 

~ B.B.

 I want to thank you for these 3 wonderful workshops. I feel so cleared and renewed and you did a wonderful work.  

~ I.M.

 This set of three workshops has been indeed liberating, and it's the first one I have bought from you. A lot of changes are taking place, which I mainly feel after finishing a transmission. I feel much lighter every time I do them. The 3 themes of the 3 workshops are big issues for every human being. I believe all the world would benefit from getting rid of Karmic Entanglements! Thank you for creating this, for focusing your energy in helping those of us who approach, and for being so sweet and soothing to our hearts. You are such a blessing!! With all my love,  

~ C.M.

 Thank you for this extremely powerful workshop  

~ M.M.

 Dear Sophie, I want to say thank you to this wonderful workshop yesterday, part 1 of the trilogy of clearing karmic entanglements. I could feel a big relief and got so many insights today, it is magic.

A big compliment to your precise and fine work!

Blessings and love and I am looking forward to the next parts..  

~ I.M.

 I am lighter . The cleared entanglements had weight, trauma reaction programs....are still releasing. Still unwinding. I am so grateful for this relief. We all can renew.

The benefits are endless. Thank you for guiding the way. Blessing us all. Freedom to be!  

~ M.I.

 I just wanted to send a huge thank you for being such a beautiful blessing to me and so many others. Thank you for your dedication to creating these healing program 

~ N.N.

 When your workshop concluded I felt very different in a positive way. I felt that something had lifted from my soul. I think that I was shown something important about a contract between my mother and father related to me in a past life that carried over to this life. This is my sense.

I will listen to this Replay again to do more healing. I can tell that this is a process.

Sophie, thank you so much for offering these workshops. I am so grateful.  

~ L.W.

 I want to thank you for the powerful healing workshop that I took part in with you recently. I am finding what you offer to be so transformative, safe, supportive and incredibly helpful. 

~ L.

 That was an incredible session of releasing karmic entanglement.I am so grateful to you for bringing that through. I hope to see, feel and experience the changes that took place for me as I go about in life. I sensed a lot of clearing took place for me and my ancestors.  

~ H.

 This was amazing. I have no words to describe the experience of Clearing Karmic Entanglements. Had lots of visuals throughout the session. I feel as if a heavy load has been lifted from me. Thank you so very much Sophie. I am so grateful for you. Blessings!  

~ J.G.

 With much love, What an amazing workshop, AMAZING!  

~ K.S.

 Dear Sophie, What a powerful and profoundly healing ceremony. OMGosh. Thank you, Sistar! With Love, much Thankfulness, and Blessings. 

~ D.B.

 WOW!!! Lots of yawning for me today, and several interesting insights! Thank you Sophie. You're a master. so incredibly good at helping us all become closer to our Divine Essence. I humbly thank you profusely. 

~ H.S.

 Became so incredibly agitated & angry the moment I signed up for the workshop with intense dreamtime work! Once the workshop started a deep blissful peace came over me! Very Powerful! Deeply Transformational! By the end many insights had popped in including to keep peeling the layers of the onion back! Definitely a Lightness of Being took over & I feel so incredibly peaceful & light like a sparkly new baby! Totally grateful to you for the workshop and all you do for the world! This workshop is so needed! 

~ S.H.

 I Loved the workshop so much and OMG the releases are like literally actually crawling my muscles around a huge wave moves up my whole back from time to time and actually cracks my ribs! It's veryyyyyyy relieving 

~ E.R.


Sophie Bidard

Sophie Bidard is a Master Light Weaver, flowing the purest crystalline light from the Great Central Sun for revelation, liberation & True Self embodiment. A Trailblazer, she opens the path into unchartered territories of consciousness, weaving in light for higher awareness & evolution. Sophie is a Master at upgrading one's multidimensional perception, by clearing the karmic entanglements & resulting stress web.

Her passion for finding & expressing the Divine within combines with her commitment to breakthroughs, radical transformation & wisdom recollection. On deep exploratory adventures into the personal & collective shadow, she unweaves patterns & whole paradigms of illusion, distortion, obstruction, restriction, disbalance. bridging into new paradigms at high vibrational levels.

She guides you in the reclaiming of your masterful nature, with lightness and flow, turning burdens of the past into guidance for your path ~ gathering pearls of wisdom on your way to revealing the Truth of who you are, to yourself, and to the world!

Academy for the Soul Master Teacher and Certified Intuitive Strategist, Sophie is an NLP Master Practitioner, Master Energy Healer, and she hosts the Rainbow Illuminations show on Academy for the Soul Radio. Her latest initiative is the co-creation & hosting of the new online series Grace-Full Connections!