Click the Replay Players below for Sophie Bidard's
~ Masterclass: Reclaiming your Galactic Nature
~ Intuitive Readings "Venusian Disconnection"



Then scroll down to discover Sophie's Special Offer



~ Your direct lines to the Pleiades ~ Arcturus ~ Venus ~ the Galactic Center.
~ Receive your galactic insights, wisdom, guidance & activations right from the origin, in your own perfect Divine Timing.
~ Enhance the fulfillment of your Soul Plan with Galactic Self Embodiment!

by Sophie Bidard


Lightworkers & Heartmasters, Starseeds, Innovators, Artists & Creators, Healers & Teachers, Intuitives, Messengers & Channelers, New Earth Leaders, Spiritual Wayshowers...

It's time to amp up your Galactic Game!

Are you striving to radically upgrade your galactic connections & communications?

Have you been committed to opening, clearing & activating your intuitive channels ~ yet remain disappointed with the quality & reliability of the galactic messages, insights & wisdom you receive: they're occasional & their content varies in depth & significance...

You just KNOW there's more to them & yet you can't seem to access, even less to rely on them for your purpose work & service offerings...

You find yourself tied to the timing & availability of galactic broadcasts from other practitioners...

Or you experience feeling estranged from your Star, Star System or Planet of origin, leading you to deep sorrow, even despair... As you look up to the Heavens wishing for signs & precious guidance. And all you get is silence or at best, an occasional & rather obscure message...

You end up feeling alone, abandoned, betrayed, confused & hopeless...

Despite strong & heartfelt affinities with Galactic Teams (families, friends) you just can't actualize the qualities & traits of your Galactic Self. You're discouraged, feeling plagued with disempowerment in your mission & soul purpose as it seems you just can't rise to the task...

Bring on your Galactic Self & Galactic Connections!

With your personal, direct lines to

  • the Pleiades,
  • Arcturus,
  • Venus,
  • the Galactic Center,

You'll access infinite treasures of insights, guidance, truths & wisdom to steer, support & enhance your creations, messages, healing processes & modalities. fulfilling your life & Soul Purpose!

By creating strong, deep, intimate conscious connections with your Star, Star System or Planet of origin ~ or of residence in galactic past lives ~ you'll receive the energetic upgrades, initiations & activations that are meant to be yours:

  • Empowering you for missions & assignments you've committed to in your Soul Incarnation Plan;
  • In your own time, synchronized with the realization of your soul plan, happening how & when YOU need them!

Leverage the Ether Element for Transmission Power

Mysterious, little-known Ether Element is the key to energetic transmission clarity, fluidity, swiftness & accuracy!

You'll gain awareness of the Etheric Nature of Reality & discover how to begin consciously cooperating with it...

You'll initiate your journey into Ether Element Mastery!

With the creation & application of each Galactic Weave, you'll

  • Strengthen your Galactic Connections,
  • Refine your Galactic Communications,
  • Upgrade & Express your Galactic Self,

In ways that are totally grounded & embodied, down-to-Earth. Literally bringing Out-Of-This-World energies & wisdom to the realization of your Soul Plan!

No more delay, dependence on others' transmissions, missing out on whole chunks of yourself & your Dharma. Be empowered & self-sufficient to bring forth wisdom, energies, abilities & higher consciousness from the Pleiades, Arcturus, Venus & the Galactic Center!

You'll inspire others by demonstrating what's possible ~ which is required of us Humans, at this stage of collective & personal evolution: embracing & expressing our Galactic Self in service to the Divine & highest good of all!



Private Session + Workshop Series package



  • Crystalline Karmic Liberation from Disconnection ~ private session with Sophie
  • Etheric Galactic Weaves ~ 4 workshop series
  • Pleiadian, Arcturian, Venusian & Galactic Center Etheric Weaves

  • Bonus ~ 4 workshop-complementary audios (MP3s)
  • Galactic Connection & Communication ~ Daily Practice

Are you experiencing feelings, beliefs, loops & patterns of disconnection?

Disconnection from others (in family, friendship, work, community...), from Humanity, from aspects of yourself, from your Soul's Purpose in this incarnation, from the Subtle & Higher Realms, disconnection even from the Divine...

Experiences of disconnection lead to miscommunication, misunderstandings, difficulty being heard, seen, accepted... lack of inspiration, guidance, insights & wisdom from the Higher Realms, creativity, abundance, life-force, joy, courage, trust, faith... feeling lost, dis-oriented...

AND ABOVE ALL, Disconnection will disqualify your Etheric Galactic Weaves, sabotaging all your efforts & energies invested into creating Galactic Connections...

Set yourself on a path of success: let's begin with clearing the Karmic Entanglements of Disconnection, to be done & over with these debilitating states, beliefs, experiences & behaviors of Disconnection!


Item #1


Crystalline Karmic Liberation from Disconnection Session


(1:1 Private Session ~ Value $255)

In the safe, sacred space of your personal Crystalline Chamber of Light, Sophie will:

~ Call forth the highest, purest light of the Great Central Sun, for healing, dissolution & revelation.

~ Bring the Orb of Truth for revelation & recollection of the treasures of wisdom held at the roots of the karmic entanglements.

~ Guide & Support you to Clear the Karmic Entanglements, at all 4 levels, for a systematic & thorough clearing ~ in close collaboration with the Lipika, Scribes of Karma:

> In your aura (relating to this current incarnation)

> In your Past Timeline

> In your Genealogical Maternal Line

> In your Genealogical Paternal Line

In each of the 4 clearings:

  • Unique, precious Pearls of Wisdom are collected, empowering your evolution to operate at a new, higher level of your Self
  • Fracture points are healed as the karmic lessons are retrieved
  • Karmic knots are untied & the residual emotions, beliefs, patterns, and energies are completely cleared: returned to Nothingness
  • Entanglements of your wounds, that had so far prevented true & complete healing & liberation, are cleared
  • Awareness of the presence of the Divine within is restored, and natural power is reclaimed as the power of the Divine within!
  • Past sources of wounding (your past & that of your ancestors) are uprooted so that you really can be free to invite, receive, hold & emanate the Divine Presence in your liberated self
  • Perceptions from old wound-based distortions & projections are freed
  • Your Blueprint of Divine Perception is restored & actualized
  • Upgrades to your perception from multiple dimensions & frequencies are made ~ your perception of the Divine within & all around you!

All of this sets you free to step out of whole paradigms of disconnection.

Be an agent of Divine Service, shining & modeling a Bright, Potent & Divine Light from your Source Connection!

Prior to your session, you'll receive by email precise, detailed instructions on how to best prepare for your session, gaining in-depth awareness of the disconnection you'll liberate yourself from ~ This will allow you to gain the deepest possible Liberation, in the smoothest possible way!

~~~ All Items in Option 2 below are included in Option 1 ~~~



4 Live Workshop Series


Each workshop will be guided, supported & empowered by Athena, Goddess of Weaving & Spinning.

Through this series of 4 LIVE workshops & complementary Bonus audios, you'll

  • Activate your inner Galactic Portal for connection & communication [after clearing past energies imprints at all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric) ~ to ensure the quality, clarity, accuracy & purity of your future galactic connections & communication]
  • Gradually strengthen the connection between your Galactic Portal & your main & secondary Chakras (15 chakras all together)
  • Establish, then enhance Etheric Connection & Communication between your Galactic Portal & successively:
  • ~ The Pleiades,

    ~ Arcturus,

    ~ Venus,

    ~ the Galactic Center.

  • Adopt a daily practice supporting a regular inflow of Galactic Communications, insights, guidance, wisdom & energies.

NOTE: You need no prior knowledge nor conscious experience of the Ether Element ~ but you'll certainly begin getting acquainted with its Magic, being guided & supported to tap into this mysterious, subtle & powerful Element of Creation!

~~~ Scroll down below for a detailed review of each workshop's structure, content & flow ~~~


Private Session + Workshop Series package


Crystalline Karmic Liberation from Disconnection ~ private session with Sophie

Etheric Galactic Weaves ~ 4 workshop series Pleiadian, Arcturian, Venusian & Galactic Center Etheric Weaves

Bonus ~ 4 workshop-complementary audios (MP3s) Galactic Connection & Communication ~ Daily Practice

Total Value





Workshop Series


Etheric Galactic Weaves ~ 4 workshop series Pleiadian, Arcturian, Venusian & Galactic Center Etheric Weaves

Bonus ~ 4 workshop-complementary audios (MP3s) Galactic Connection & Communication ~ Daily Practice

Total Value




4 Live Workshop Series



Item #1


The Pleiadian Weave


LIVE Workshop & Replay (Value $158)

Tap into Pleiadian energies & infuse yourself with Pleiadian qualities:

  • Heart-centeredness & Love,
  • High Sensitivity & Empathy,
  • Deep Compassion & Care,
  • Naturally nurturing, creative & transformative energy,
  • Mastery of Healing, teaching, counseling & artistic fields,
  • Service in uplifting humanity.

In this 1st workshop of our series, you'll be guided, supported & empowered with your Higher Self & Athena, Goddess of Weaving & Spinning, to:

  • Clear & Activate your inner Galactic Portal for Connection & Communication
  • Etherically Weave the Connection of your inner Galactic Portal with each of the Pleiades (the "7 Sisters": Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Celaeno, Merope, Asterope)
  • Attune your Galactic Portal to the Pleiades for Connection & Communication
  • Activate the flow of insights, guidance, wisdom & energies from the Pleiades, through your inner Galactic Portal.

Here's how we're going to weave your brilliant Pleiadian Connections:

Within the safe, sacred space with the Orb of Grace, we'll

~ Start with setting intentions of Service to the Divine & Highest Good of All;

~ Call on Athena in her role of Goddess of Weaving & Spinning, with a powerful invocation;

~ Clear your Galactic Portal's connections with the Pleiades at all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric) from any past energies & imprints ~ to ensure the quality, clarity, accuracy & purity of your future Pleiadian connections & communication;

~ Claim intentions of Pleiadian Connection & Communication, with a Power Claiming Key you'll be able to adopt as a Mantra of your Heart;

~ Create your Orb of Galactic Connection & Communication, infused with the qualities of your choice;

~ Engage your Orb of Galactic Connection & Communication to masterfully weave the connection of your Galactic Portal with each of the Pleiades (Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Celaeno, Merope, Asterope);

~ Etherically attune your Galactic Portal to the Pleiades & activate your Galactic Portal with a Power Claiming Key for Pleiadian Connection & Communication;

~ Initiate the in-flow of Pleiadian Communications, insights, guidance, wisdom & energies through your Galactic Portal;

~ Finally, close your Galactic Portal with Gratitude, allowing consciously & unconsciously received insights, wisdom & energies to settle in, within the sacred space of the Orb of Grace.

You'll then engage in a 7-day daily practice with your dedicated Bonus audio to

  • strengthen your inner Galactic Portal & your Pleiadian Weave;
  • initiate a regular in-flow of Pleiadian Communications, insights, guidance, wisdom & energies through your Galactic Portal.

You'll start receiving & integrating precious Pleiadian communications with the timing, nature, form & purpose that serve your Highest Good & the Highest Good of All ~ in purest alignment with your Soul Incarnation Plan.

Gain direct access to the Pleiades for wisdom, guidance, activations ~ Embrace & express your Divine Pleiadian Nature!


Item #2


The Arcturian Weave


LIVE Workshop & Replay (Value $158)

Tap into Arcturian energies & infuse yourself with Arcturian qualities:

  • Strong urge to Heal & inspire Positive Change in the world,
  • Intuition & psychic abilities,
  • Thinking ~ & living! ~ out of the box,
  • Fascination with human anthropology & the mysteries of space,
  • Excellent Organizational & Problem-Solving Skills,
  • Masterful perception of patterns, connections & systems,
  • Creativity & Innovativeness for the Betterment of Humanity.

In this 2nd workshop of our series, you'll be guided, supported & empowered with your Higher Self & Athena, Goddess of Weaving & Spinning, to:

  • Etherically Weave the Connection of your inner Galactic Portal with each of your 7 main chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, 3rd eye, crown) ~ allowing the in-flow of Galactic energies, through your Galactic Portal, to spread evenly within your energy system
  • Etherically Weave the Connection of your inner Galactic Portal with Arcturus
  • Attune your Galactic Portal to Arcturus for Connection & Communication
  • Activate the flow of insights, guidance, wisdom & energies from Arcturus, through your inner Galactic Portal.

Here's how we're going to weave your brilliant Arcturian Connections:

Within the safe, sacred space with the Orb of Grace, we'll

~ Start with setting intentions of Service to the Divine & Highest Good of All;

~ Call on Athena in her role of Goddess of Weaving & Spinning, with a powerful invocation;

~ Clear your Galactic Portal's connections with the Pleiades at all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric) from any past energies & imprints ~ to ensure the quality, clarity, accuracy & purity of your future Arcturian connections & communication;

~ Claim intentions of Arcturian Connection & Communication, with a Power Claiming Key you'll be able to adopt as a Mantra of your Heart;

~ Strengthen your Orb of Galactic Connection & Communication, infused with the qualities of your choice;

~ Engage your Orb of Galactic Connection & Communication to masterfully weave the connection of your Galactic Portal with each of your 7 main chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, 3rd eye, crown) ~ allowing the in-flow of Galactic energies, through your Galactic Portal, to reach the areas of your energy system where they're needed;

~ Engage your Orb of Galactic Connection & Communication to masterfully weave the connection of your Galactic Portal with Arcturus;

~ Etherically attune your Galactic Portal to Arcturus & activate your Galactic Portal with a Power Claiming Key for Arcturian Connection & Communication;

~ Initiate the in-flow of Arcturian Communications, insights, guidance, wisdom & energies through your Galactic Portal;

~ Finally, close your Galactic Portal with Gratitude, allowing consciously & unconsciously received insights, wisdom & energies to settle in, within the sacred space of the Orb of Grace.

You'll then engage in a 7-day daily practice with your dedicated Bonus audio to

  • strengthen your inner Galactic Portal & your Arcturian Weave;
  • initiate a regular in-flow of Arcturian Communications, insights, guidance, wisdom & energies through your Galactic Portal.

You'll start receiving & integrating precious Arcturian communications with the timing, nature, form & purpose that serve your Highest Good & the Highest Good of All ~ in purest alignment with your Soul Incarnation Plan.

Gain direct access to Arcturus for wisdom, guidance, activations ~ Embrace & express your Divine Arcturian Nature!

Item #3


The Venusian Weave


LIVE Workshop & Replay (Value $158)

Tap into Venusian energies & infuse yourself with Venusian qualities:

  • Deep spiritual connection,
  • Dedication to helping humanity & the planet evolve,
  • Sensuality & Passion, with graceful & beautiful, captivating energy,
  • Deeply connected with feminine energy, mother energy, love & devotion,
  • Radiating warmth, comfort & joy, offering a soothing presence,
  • Being drawn to metaphysical practices, ancient wisdom & the mysteries of the universe,
  • Ability to transition between worlds & realms.

In this 3rd workshop of our series, you'll be guided, supported & empowered with your Higher Self & Athena, Goddess of Weaving & Spinning, to:

  • Etherically Weave the Connection of your inner Galactic Portal with each of 8 more chakras (left & right ears, left & right hands, left & right feet, Earth Star, Soul Star) ~ expanding the in-flow of Galactic energies, through your Galactic Portal, to spread evenly within your energy system
  • Etherically Weave the Connection of your inner Galactic Portal with Venus
  • Attune your Galactic Portal to Venus for Connection & Communication
  • Activate the flow of insights, guidance, wisdom & energies from Venus, through your inner Galactic Portal.

Here's how we're going to weave your brilliant Venusian Connection:

Within the safe, sacred space with the Orb of Grace, we'll

~ Start with setting intentions of Service to the Divine & Highest Good of All;

~ Call on Athena in her role of Goddess of Weaving & Spinning, with a powerful invocation;

~ Clear your Galactic Portal's connections with the Pleiades at all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric) from any past energies & imprints ~ to ensure the quality, clarity, accuracy & purity of your future Venusian connections & communication;

~ Claim intentions of Venusian Connection & Communication, with a Power Claiming Key you'll be able to adopt as a Mantra of your Heart;

~ Refine your Orb of Galactic Connection & Communication, infused with the qualities of your choice;

~ Engage your Orb of Galactic Connection & Communication to masterfully weave the connection of your Galactic Portal with each of the 8 additional chakras (left & right ears, left & right hands, left & right feet, Earth Star, Soul Star) ~ allowing the in-flow of Galactic energies, through your Galactic Portal, to reach even further & more specifically to areas of your energy system where they're needed;

~ Engage your Orb of Galactic Connection & Communication to masterfully weave the connection of your Galactic Portal with Venus;

~ Etherically attune your Galactic Portal to the Pleiades & activate your Galactic Portal with a Power Claiming Key for Venusian Connection & Communication;

~ Initiate the in-flow of Venusian Communications, insights, guidance, wisdom & energies through your Galactic Portal;

~ Finally, close your Galactic Portal with Gratitude, allowing consciously & unconsciously received insights, wisdom & energies to settle in, within the sacred space of the Orb of Grace.

You'll then engage in a 7-day daily practice with your dedicated Bonus audio to

  • strengthen your inner Galactic Portal & your Venusian Weave;
  • initiate a regular in-flow of Venusian Communications, insights, guidance, wisdom & energies through your Galactic Portal.

You'll start receiving & integrating precious Venusian communications with the timing, nature, form & purpose that serve your Highest Good & the Highest Good of All ~ in purest alignment with your Soul Incarnation Plan.

Gain direct access to Venusian for wisdom, guidance, activations ~ Embrace & express your Divine Venusian Nature!


Item #4


The Galactic Center Weave


LIVE Workshop & Replay (Value $158)

Tap into the Galactic Center energies & infuse yourself with Galactic Center qualities:

  • Higher Consciousness, profound insights & spiritual growth,
  • Energy Source, Relation to Cosmic Origins & Transformation,
  • Catalyst of transformation, stripping away surface-level expressions & emphasizing deeper, fundamental qualities,
  • Quest for deeper meaning & authenticity,
  • Soul's purpose & alignment,
  • Connection with universal energies beyond earthly existence.

In this final workshop of our series, you'll be guided, supported & empowered with your Higher Self & Athena, Goddess of Weaving & Spinning, to:

  • Integrate the Etheric Connection of your inner Galactic Portal with all 15 chakras (7 main chakras + left & right ears, left & right hands, left & right feet, Earth Star, Soul Star) ~ refining the spreading the in-flow of Galactic energies, through your Galactic Portal, to reach evenly throughout your whole, expanded energy system
  • Etherically Weave the Connection of your inner Galactic Portal with the Galactic Center
  • Attune your Galactic Portal to the Galactic Center for Connection & Communication
  • Activate the flow of insights, guidance, wisdom & energies from the Galactic Center, through your inner Galactic Portal.

Here's how we're going to weave your brilliant Galactic Center Connection:

Within the safe, sacred space with the Orb of Grace, we'll

~ Start with setting intentions of Service to the Divine & Highest Good of All;

~ Call on Athena in her role of Goddess of Weaving & Spinning, with a powerful invocation;

~ Clear your Galactic Portal's connections with the Galactic Center at all levels (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etheric) from any past energies & imprints ~ to ensure the quality, clarity, accuracy & purity of your future Venusian connections & communication;

~ Claim intentions of Galactic Connection & Communication, with a Power Claiming Key you'll be able to adopt as a Mantra of your Heart;

~ Polish & perfect your Orb of Galactic Connection & Communication, infused with the qualities of your choice;

~ Engage your Orb of Galactic Connection & Communication to masterfully weave the connection of your Galactic Portal with each of 15 chakras (7 main chakras + left & right ears, left & right hands, left & right feet, Earth Star, Soul Star) ~ allowing the in-flow of Galactic energies, through your Galactic Portal, to seamlessly reach all areas of your energy system where they are needed;

~ Engage your Orb of Galactic Connection & Communication to masterfully weave the connection of your Galactic Portal with Galactic Center;

~ Etherically attune your Galactic Portal to the Galactic Center & activate your Galactic Portal with a Power Claiming Key for Galactic Center Connection & Communication;

~ Initiate the in-flow of Galactic Center Communications, insights, guidance, wisdom & energies through your Galactic Portal;

~ Finally, close your Galactic Portal with Gratitude, allowing consciously & unconsciously received insights, wisdom & energies to settle in, within the sacred space of the Orb of Grace.

You'll then engage in a 7-day daily practice with your dedicated Bonus audio to

  • strengthen your inner Galactic Portal & your Galactic Center Weave;
  • initiate a regular in-flow of Galactic Center Communications, insights, guidance, wisdom & energies through your Galactic Portal.

You'll start receiving & integrating precious Galactic Center communications with the timing, nature, form & purpose that serve your Highest Good & the Highest Good of All ~ in purest alignment with Soul Incarnation Plan.

Gain direct access to the Galactic Center for wisdom, guidance, activations ~ Embrace your own "inner Galactic Center": Center of Truth & Higher Consciousness!




Galactic Connection & Communication ~ Daily Practice


Set of 4 workshop-complementary audios (Value $232)

Each workshop is complemented by a dedicated audio (MP3) for daily use:

  • Pleiadian Connection & Communication Daily Practice audio
  • Arcturian Connection & Communication Daily Practice audio
  • Venusian Connection & Communication Daily Practice audio
  • Galactic Center Connection & Communication Daily Practice audio

Following each Live workshop, you'll engage in a 7-day practice with the complementary audio, guiding & supporting you to

~ strengthen, refine & anchor each Etheric Galactic Weave,

~ train & become seasoned in establishing & receiving Galactic Communications.

After the Live workshop series is completed, you'll have these precious resources to return to, for practice that makes perfect!


Private Session + Workshop Series package


Crystalline Karmic Liberation from Disconnection ~ private session with Sophie

Etheric Galactic Weaves ~ 4 workshop series Pleiadian, Arcturian, Venusian & Galactic Center Etheric Weaves

Bonus ~ 4 workshop-complementary audios (MP3s) Galactic Connection & Communication ~ Daily Practice

Total Value





Workshop Series


Etheric Galactic Weaves ~ 4 workshop series Pleiadian, Arcturian, Venusian & Galactic Center Etheric Weaves

Bonus ~ 4 workshop-complementary audios (MP3s) Galactic Connection & Communication ~ Daily Practice

Total Value





 Your generosity is almost overwhelming, and the acute panic and terror that I've been feeling for several years, now feels smoothed out! Sophie, you are a kind and generous blessing, and your gift has already made such a difference in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, from my soul, and from my maternal and paternal lines!

~ K.S.

 Such a journey this was and is! Beyond words in expressing how gifted your offerings are and how richly these gifts have entered into my orb of being and in my living. You are ahead of so many in terms of bringing this to the light - there is much work to be done in these next critical years of more challenging change and evolution. The world is so fortunate to have you in it.

I have been given huge wealth of insights and tools that allows me to separate from a trauma-filled past, to disentangle from archetypal energy fields so as not to continue recycling this, and to bring more and more light into my heart space through such larger divine love that has always been there and is there still!  

~ Diane J.

 Sophie is a powerful, gifted healer. She is the one I go to, and have referred many others to, for deep transformational work. I recently had something come up and knew she was the one to help me. Sophie took the time before, during and after my session to check in and be totally present with what I was experiencing. She guided me through some deep, dark places that I wouldn't have allowed myself to go on my own, but that were necessary for the result I was looking for. Through her masterful help and presence on this journey, I was able to experience the healing I so desperately wanted. 

~ JoAnn M.

 Thank you, dear Sophie. What a powerful session ! The clearing of my maternal lineage was very intense. I can feel such a great relief now. I was able to feel all the untanglings going on during the entire session.Well done ! Many blessings to you,  

~ V.R.

 Thank You Sophie for all your love & purity you bring to all of us through all you do.

~ E.O.

 I did your workshop on karmic entanglements and it changed my life. So grateful to you for your service!!! 

~ B.B.

 I want to thank you for these 3 wonderful workshops. I feel so cleared and renewed and you did a wonderful work.  

~ I.M.

 This set of three workshops has been indeed liberating, and it's the first one I have bought from you. A lot of changes are taking place, which I mainly feel after finishing a transmission. I feel much lighter every time I do them. The 3 themes of the 3 workshops are big issues for every human being. I believe all the world would benefit from getting rid of Karmic Entanglements! Thank you for creating this, for focusing your energy in helping those of us who approach, and for being so sweet and soothing to our hearts. You are such a blessing!! With all my love,  

~ C.M.

 Thank you for this extremely powerful workshop  

~ M.M.

 Dear Sophie, I want to say thank you to this wonderful workshop yesterday, part 1 of the trilogy of clearing karmic entanglements. I could feel a big relief and got so many insights today, it is magic.

A big compliment to your precise and fine work!

Blessings and love and I am looking forward to the next parts..  

~ I.M.

 I am lighter . The cleared entanglements had weight, trauma reaction programs....are still releasing. Still unwinding. I am so grateful for this relief. We all can renew.

The benefits are endless. Thank you for guiding the way. Blessing us all. Freedom to be!  

~ M.I.

 I just wanted to send a huge thank you for being such a beautiful blessing to me and so many others. Thank you for your dedication to creating these healing program 

~ N.N.

 When your workshop concluded I felt very different in a positive way. I felt that something had lifted from my soul. I think that I was shown something important about a contract between my mother and father related to me in a past life that carried over to this life. This is my sense.

I will listen to this Replay again to do more healing. I can tell that this is a process.

Sophie, thank you so much for offering these workshops. I am so grateful.  

~ L.W.

 I want to thank you for the powerful healing workshop that I took part in with you recently. I am finding what you offer to be so transformative, safe, supportive and incredibly helpful. 

~ L.

 That was an incredible session of releasing karmic entanglement.I am so grateful to you for bringing that through. I hope to see, feel and experience the changes that took place for me as I go about in life. I sensed a lot of clearing took place for me and my ancestors.  

~ H.

 This was amazing. I have no words to describe the experience of Clearing Karmic Entanglements. Had lots of visuals throughout the session. I feel as if a heavy load has been lifted from me. Thank you so very much Sophie. I am so grateful for you. Blessings!  

~ J.G.

 With much love, What an amazing workshop, AMAZING!  

~ K.S.

 Dear Sophie, What a powerful and profoundly healing ceremony. OMGosh. Thank you, Sistar! With Love, much Thankfulness, and Blessings. 

~ D.B.

 WOW!!! Lots of yawning for me today, and several interesting insights! Thank you Sophie. You're a master. so incredibly good at helping us all become closer to our Divine Essence. I humbly thank you profusely. 

~ H.S.

 Became so incredibly agitated & angry the moment I signed up for the workshop with intense dreamtime work! Once the workshop started a deep blissful peace came over me! Very Powerful! Deeply Transformational! By the end many insights had popped in including to keep peeling the layers of the onion back! Definitely a Lightness of Being took over & I feel so incredibly peaceful & light like a sparkly new baby! Totally grateful to you for the workshop and all you do for the world! This workshop is so needed! 

~ S.H.

 I Loved the workshop so much and OMG the releases are like literally actually crawling my muscles around a huge wave moves up my whole back from time to time and actually cracks my ribs! It's veryyyyyyy relieving 

~ E.R.


Sophie Bidard

Sophie Bidard is a Master Light Weaver, flowing the purest crystalline light from the Great Central Sun for revelation, liberation & True Self embodiment. A Trailblazer, she opens the path into unchartered territories of consciousness, weaving in light for higher awareness & evolution. Sophie is a Master at upgrading one's multidimensional perception, by clearing the karmic entanglements & resulting stress web.

Her passion for finding & expressing the Divine within combines with her commitment to breakthroughs, radical transformation & wisdom recollection. On deep exploratory adventures into the personal & collective shadow, she unweaves patterns & whole paradigms of illusion, distortion, obstruction, restriction, disbalance. bridging into new paradigms at high vibrational levels.

She guides you in the reclaiming of your masterful nature, with lightness and flow, turning burdens of the past into guidance for your path ~ gathering pearls of wisdom on your way to revealing the Truth of who you are, to yourself, and to the world!

Academy for the Soul Master Teacher and Certified Intuitive Strategist, Sophie is an NLP Master Practitioner, Master Energy Healer, and she hosts the Rainbow Illuminations show on Academy for the Soul Radio. Her latest initiative is the co-creation & hosting of the new online series Grace-Full Connections!